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Give and get support around quitting

My husband is still smoking

I need some advice as to what to do with myself when my husband is going in the other room to smoke. Today is my second day of quitting and this is really tough

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22 Replies

I am surrounded by smokers all day at work. When my mind is okay, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t crave it. When I am messed up emotionally, it becomes a big trigger. I am on day four, first day back at work. I’ve had cravings but none where related to being around smokers. It’s something I have to accept in order not to smoke. If I can’t deal with it, I am not committed enough to my recovery. It has nothing to do with them and everything to do with how I feel inside.


Hey Stan!  I've wondered how you were doing. There are two smokers at my office, and I can't get over how much they STINK. You know how some people just carry the smell with them?  That's what's in my office. I truly believe that if they knew how strongly the cigarette smell clung to them they'd quit.


I noticed day there how horrible it smells. I knew I stunk (one of my main reasons for quitting) I just didn't care at the time. pretty sad I really hope I never go back!

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No HOPE....think NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  Quitting is not about hoping or trying or is about doing and that is the only way you can succeed and you CAN succeed.  No one goes outside to smoke because they really WANT to, they go because they HAVE to, their addiction is calling and they have not learned that they do not have to answer.


You are right. I know I can do this. I’m done with day 6 now and doing ok. I’m starting to brag a little to other smokers that are my coworkers too...maybe I’m hoping they will quit with would be nice if someone around me quit too. But regardless, I will be the trailblazer!!

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When I made the decision to quit, and my family members all smoke..outside. I did state I was uncomfortable  with th3m my zip code!!!  All kidding aside, when they went out to take their break...or if it was a  nice day to gather on the deck..I'd just walk in the house and busy myself for 5 min.  It was my .lifestyle I was changing...not theirs.  But  they were super sensitive and supportive when we we outside entertaining..



My husband and our roommate smoke, fortunately we never smoked in our house, only the garage and outside. Initally my husband was going to quit with me, but that didn't happen. I miss our front porch talks, it was hard at first, but now I just find something else to do. Normally I goto my laptop and do a quick read through the EX community, or do a quick cleaning chore. Be selfish and focus on you and hold tight to your quit



I too feel like I'm missing out but then I think how that person is out their by themselves smoking so there is nothing to miss. 

You know what, I never thought about it like that but that is very true. Thank you!

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