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Give and get support around quitting


My first post. Struggling hard to quit

Hi everyone, I just joined this community earlier this month and have been loving the daily texts. I made it to 8 days then stupidly bought a disposable vape this past Friday night. I was so guilt ridden and ashamed that I tossed it out the next day. But then two days later I bought another. Threw it away at the end of the day, only to buy another the following day. Today I bought one in the morning, threw it away this afternoon determined to quit again, only to buy ANOTHER this evening, the same day! I bought two in the same day and have spent over 140 dollars this week alone because I keep dumping it then buying one when the cravings get too strong. This is ridiculous!!! I’m at my wits end and that’s what motivated me to make my first post. It’s like everytime I throw it out I’m determined to quit but then when the strong cravings arise I fold like a picnic table. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. But I’m not quitting on quitting. Any support or advice would be appreciated!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Abel1005 Nicotine is a very addictive substance, so quitting can take several attempts until you find a plan to put in place that helps. When your body doesn't get nicotine, you start having cravings which feels uncomfortable. Learning to push through those feeling, no matter how they feel will get you through week after week. Also, what are your triggers? Go to places that won't give you a urge to smoke.  

Take a death breath and remember your why. You can do this! Continue to reach out. Where are here to support you through this journey!

Here is a article that may help you :

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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I think @Abel1005 , you should  be proud of yourself . Yes , you used , but you threw them away each time . That 140.00 is not wasted  imo , you are showing your addiction who’s boss now and that every time or any time it tempts you are going to throw it out or you are going to get through without it .

I think that’s your next step might be giving it a go or two getting through without buying into its lie again .When those craves hit they are just telling you a lie . Telling you using your negative thoughts that you can’t quit . @Abel1005 Quitting is very doable for you and everyone . No exception and with Ex I believe that success rate is EXcellent . 

I know in the beginning how gut wrenchingly uncomfortable not feeding our addiction is @Abel1005 but by starving it it is getting a clear message that you are willing to go through anything and everything to be vape free . You are giving it a clear message that you wont be feeding it anymore so good on you for throwing them away . It is only costing you big time if you go back to vaping permanently right . You are having some slips right now but you are getting right back up . Great job .  You deserve to be free @Abel1005 and that vape deserves to be in the trash just where you left them and left there to die .
Keep at it . You are doing great . So proud of you for making your first post . To me it is a sure tell sign that you are going to succeed .
By the way I bought and threw out three unopened packs of cigarettes too before I stopped .  Granted not as much as vape material but just want you to know you are not alone . I know that horrible crave feeling . 
Please try posting for help before you go out to buy .. give it a go , it’s helped many of us . Wait for three responses so you can have some help getting through . Post ten times a day if you have to , that’s showing strength not weakness and again showing addiction quite frankly that you are in control and not it anymore . You don’t have to fight just accept your quit is worthy of whatever it is that you have to go through for now . It will get better I promise you ! 
You don’t have to do this alone . 
Keep writing , keep coming back . You can do this . 


Thank you so much for the kind words! I threw it out again last night, made it to the end of today and caved because the cravings got so strong it was all I was thinking about. Any tips to manage the cravings? I appreciate you!!


Hello @Abel1005 I am glad you posted.  I hope others will be along to share some words of wisdom.

I did with packs of cigarettes what you are doing with your vapes.  The problem for me was that I hadn't actually sat down and assessed my addiction.  I didn't know how nicotine affects the brain, I didn't know what my triggers to smoke were and I wasn't aware of my smoking habits, like "when do I get the craving to smoke."  I hadn't really examined my reasons for quitting--such as, this is actually killing me and I can't afford this addiction.  I had to do all of that and then I had to learn the tools and techniques that have helped other quitters distance, delay and distract when cravings came. And then, I had to make a firm promise to myself that I would actually use those tools and techniques. I came to realize, the tools don't help if I don't actually use them .I think it was a change of mindset that has helped me quit--realizing that I am not giving up anything good by quitting, and I am gaining so much, like Life itself.  

You have come to the right place and clearly you want to quit or you wouldn't be throwing out those vapes.  Maybe have some quiet reflection time and write down a lot of  things related to your addiction and quitting.  I find writing helps a lot of people.  

Once again, super glad you posted.  You CAN do this.  Keep posting and reading here at Ex.  Wishing you the best!


Hi @ReallyReal thank you so much for your reply. The fact that you were doing the same thing with cigarettes as I am with the vapes gives me hope since you made it to the other side 🙂 I almost had one full day today, and literally caved at the very end of the day. I am close I can feel it. I just need to get over the initial hump. And I’ve never tried writing about it, that sounds like a great idea. Thank you!! 


Well, my Quit date is tomorrow. I am going to do what I did when I quit drinking. I don't carry any cash or my debit card when I leave the house, for a while. That way I can't buy any. I'm really impressed you made it 8 days. I can't wait to say that I have that much time under my belt!!


That’s an interesting idea! And thank you, surprisingly those 8 days were pretty easy but now getting back to even 1 day has been incredibly hard. How did your quit date go today? Hope it’s going well!


I looked at my tracker and realized I had set the date for today. And by "today" I mean tonight. I put one ecig in water last night and am going to finish what I have. Not perfect, but it is what it is.  How are you today?  Did you get through yesterday?


Community Manager
Community Manager

If you first don't succeed, try again @Social12! Nicotine is very addictive and has told your brain that you need it to survive, but you don't! Your brain will get use to being without it. You will experience withdrawals, but they will pass. Understanding your triggers will also help, for example controlling your feelings and other habits that led you to smoking such as drinking a cup of coffee or finishing a meal. Having a new mindset will prepare you for this journey. 

You can do this! We are here to support you.

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team
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