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Give and get support around quitting


Let's not stress over the little things this Christmas!

Don't let the hustle and bustle of trying to get things done stress you out because you can only do what you can do, I don't do as much baking as I used to but our main course is usually a great success plus we're normally stuffed so a piece of apple pie and a cup of tea is the icing on the cake don't let the little things stress you out remember the reason for the CHRISTmas Season, deep breaths, kick back and remember to Celebrate being Smokefree whether you're on day one or day one thousand or two thousand it really doesn't matter where you are in your quit as long as you stick with N.O.P.E and vigilance then there's no way you can FAIL,  I consider our quits to be the Gift of LIFE which I consider the one gift that'll keep on giving day after day week after week month after month and Lord willing year after year....



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Nancy, I remember how frustrating it was for Brian last Sept. - December to be on bed rest and in a wheel chair, because he fractured his knee and leg.  I think you deserve a lot of credit for all your courage and it's hard to be patient too.  We can just do what we can do.  You are my hero!!


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