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Legality of suing tobacco companies

Just watched an episode of Boston Legal where a family was suing the tobacco company for the death of their father and was wondering what this community of people trying so hard to quit smoking and most succeeding feel about this. I for one take complete responsibility for my actions, but just curious how others feel or stories you might have. I have a mom and step-dad who died from cancer, and they both smoked, but neither died from Lung cancer.
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13 Respuestas

I feel it is no different than the predatory lending practices used recently by the banks which has plunged our country into the economic mess it is in. The government will bail out the corporate fatcats, just as the government protects Big Tobacco. Until we, the citizens of this country take a stand against lobbyists and special interest groups which line the pockets of our representatives and congressment in Washington, we will continue to see abuse of middle America by corporate giants whose profits WE provide.

When we buy cigarettes, we are greasing the wheels of the machine. Yes, we all are responsible for ourselves, but let's face facts. I'm 48 years old. I know of NO ONE my age who has picked up a cigarette for the first time and smoked it. I know plenty of minors and people in their 20's who have. Coincidence? I think not.
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I started smoking when I was 12. If someone had told me at that time that by doing so, I was going to be chained to this addiction for the next 20+ years, burn thousands of dollars, compromise my health, compromise the quality of my daily life, compromise my dignity and sense of respect, ect. Would I have smoked? sadly, probably. Because I was so young and I just didn't think that I really would get addicted. I didn't have a chance.
If I had never smoked and someone told me all of these things now - would I start? H*** NO! And not because I have learned from my mistake. It would be because I now know what the ramifications of all of the above would have on my life. It's not fair. They got to me and most all of us, before we had the chance to understand the ramifications.
Like Les said - the cases of older people starting smoking is so freakin small! The evidence is in the numbers here. Big Tobacco have preyed on us as young kids and snagged us up just so we can pay to be addicted for the rest of our lives.
It is infuriating when you really get to thinking about it. There are lawsuits all the time with big tobacco and people are actually winning. So on your question of whether people have a case, I say ABSOLUTELY!!
Polly has a great blog with tons of info on related things - you should check it out!
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Canada has a great health care system America no. No insurance no cash no help.
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Canada has a great health care system America no. No insurance no cash no help.
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That speech was amazing last night. I was a kid in the 60's. I wanted to be Steve McQueen. I stole smokes from my parents and taought myself to inhale in front of the mirror and how to hold it, make smoke rings and flick it across the street when I was finished. Movies TV commercials made cigarettes so cool, so smoking made me cool too. Cigarettes became an extention of me. My crutch.... More than the nicotene was the psycological attachment that I am still fighting. My dad died from it, my mom, my brother in law.... I knew, but I still liked it. I didn't care because I knew that one day I would die from something...thoughts like that made me rationalize my irational thinking. So yeah I take full responsability for my smoking.But I also hold the tobacco companies resposible for the way they target the young and vulnerable.
There are so many things out there to be addicted to, and they just keep adding more all the time. We have become a nation of self medicators. Companies are making billions of dollars on stuff we think we need to get through a day...... I choose the way I get through my day now.That is one of the biggest reasons I quit smoking....back to rebelling but this time, older, wiser and for the right reasons for me.
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About suing the food company because you gain weight - - no -- I don't know of any food company accused of using additives to get you more addicted - that's what the tobacco companies did and continue to do.
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I'm sorry to hear that ,I agree the $ should go to tobacco related ilness and to education programs for kids it would in a perfect world.
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....and he died of throat handsome and sexy was THAT ?????
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