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Give and get support around quitting


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I'm working on my first 24 hours. I'm at work now and need something to do besides go outside and smoke. I'm on the patch and unlike previous times, I decided to take their advice and join a support group. I've tried many times before and have been off cigs 2 days, on 5; off 1 day on 20; off 7 days back on, blah, blah, blah. But this time I really, really, want to stop. Any and all suggestions are welcome
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59 Respuestas

Today is Day 4 for me and what realy helped me (believe it or not) is knitting. I dont know how to knit so i took a lesson and whenever i need a cig i knit. Its realy weird because it does help, maybe its the fact that I am doing something with my hands that doesn't require alot of mental focus and/or concentration (which is kind of like smoking). Whatever is the reason it is helping me and everyone I know are getting messed up scarves for their birthday

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hey im sean today is my first day so far ive been keeping busy im on the patch any suggestions

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Ok so i am getting nervous i am going to quit in three days have been doing all of the prep work but i am getting very nervous!! I know i can do this but i need some very strong support!! I hope this site can help me!

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I'm about 30 minutes from my first 24 hours. I've decided to try this cold turkey. I'm praying this time is for good. I've been smoking for 14 years. Sigh.... But hopefully this is a new begining to an end I pray no one else is ever silly enough to try....

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I quit smoking in four days.

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I'm hoping this time I actually follow through with the preparation and Quit.  I signed up a few months ago and didn't even follow up with recording my cigarettes, how lame is that. 

I find I'm in kind of a double bind, which is kind of a lame excuse.  When my mother quit smoking in 1965 she said she was determined to prove she was bigger than a cigarette and went so far as to carry a pack in her purse for almost a year just to proved she wouldn't touch them.  I told her she was habituated not addicted.   She told me something like i was Bigger than that miserable little cigarette.  My response: No, I'm not.  As you can see, we were very different people.

Well, now I'm 64 and live by myself (widowed 2 years back) and I have rheumatoid arthritis -- meaning getting out and exercising is possible but very limited.  When I quit for a year 12 years ago, I could go out and walk and walk or ride a bike or walk some more.  I could work in my yard or garden and keep busy.  I can't do that now.

I don't have a lot of money-- another good reason to quit, but also a stressor and reason I haven't quit yet.  I sure do get myself into a lot of double bind situations.  I tried Chantix once, but that's iffy for me because I have a history of depression that I don't want to make worse and I also have the beginnings of COPD -- that means that when the Chantix blocks the nicotine receptors it's also blocking some oxygen receptors and I found it even harder to breath.  And yet with all this stuff.. I know that not smoking would help:  my finances, the COPD thing, my rheumatoid arthritis, my lack of energy.  I think the only way through this  is right through the middle.. starting with charting every  cigarette I have religiously.   I do have some nicotine patches somewhere but... ::duck and blush::: I'm not sure where I put them.

Quite frankly, I either quit and live a better life or I don't quit and accept a greatly shortened life expectancy...  Any other suggestions

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My quit day was suppose to be today, but I decided to get a head start and have been 3 days without a cigarette.  I had really cut back on my cigarettes for quite a while.  I could buy 3 packs and they would last me at least 5 days.  Most of the time I smoked outside, even in the cold weather, but  I would smoke only in the house when I was watching tv in the evening.  I'd light up, take a puff, then put it out.  Sometimes I wondered why I even lit up..I really didn't want the cigarette.  That's when I decided to get the patch and quit ahead of time.  So here I am on day 3.

I am 68 yrs. old and don't have a cigarette cough or any respiratory ailments like COPD so I thought, after 42 years of smoking that now is the time to quit before I do have any of these problems.  My husband passed away on Feb. 20th of last year.  He was also a smoker and died of lung cancer.  I watched him waste away as he wanted to die at home and I respected his wishes.  In his last week of life, I saw a man lose all his dignity, a man who was strong and in great shape for his age.  And so, after a little over a year of his death, I decided it's my time to quit. 

I am going to kick this habit  and now is the time! 

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Hi, My name is josie and i want to quit. Have tried in the past with no sucess. Need help. My quiting date is March 8TH, hope I can stick with it with your help.  Thanks Josie

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Day one for me. Just found out I have osteoporosis and cigs contribute to it. I am doing the lozenges. Today hasn't been that bad except for this morning. I have never gotten thru a morning without cigarettes. I destroyed all of them last night and I mean destroyed because I knew the addict in me would be taping them together if I could. I'm thinking I'm just going to take a nap when I get home. I dread the drive home from work because it is such a trigger. I want to get a bottled water but scared to go in the store to buy it. I'm sick of cigarettes running my life.

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