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Give and get support around quitting


Just arrived here

I'm working on my first 24 hours. I'm at work now and need something to do besides go outside and smoke. I'm on the patch and unlike previous times, I decided to take their advice and join a support group. I've tried many times before and have been off cigs 2 days, on 5; off 1 day on 20; off 7 days back on, blah, blah, blah. But this time I really, really, want to stop. Any and all suggestions are welcome
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59 Replies

My wife and i have stuck to our jan 4 quit commitment, it has been almost six days, the 3rd night i thought i was gonna effing die, even though im on tha patch. It has been EXTREMELY HARD i smoked for 22 years and i am 35 years old. I cant believe the difference in my lung capacity and my sense of smell now. I involuntarily quit for paris island when i was 18 but returned immediatly to smoking after boot camp, that is the only time i have gone any amount of time without smoking. Even though i want a cig every second of the day im determind that it is disgusting and i never want to smoke again, The first three days are def the worst, i highly recommend the patch

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Hi everyone,

Day two for me.  I just found this sight. Looks interesting.  I'm just trying to tough it out and stay busy.  So far not too bad.  The one thing I am trying to tell myself is NO.   NO I am not allowed to smoke.  NO I can't have another cigarette. NO NO NO!!           I realized that as an adult, we don't really listen to ourselves when we say NO.  There is no one to enforce NO on us.  So, I'm really trying to listen to myself and let NO mean NO!

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Stay with it.  My first 48 hours were the worst and they were Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I kept very busy and with the support of my family and Chantix, I am now smoke free for 19 days!  Once you make it through the first 72 hours, things get considerably better.  It becomes more about the habit than the addiction at that point.  I was a smoker for over 30 years and this is by far the hardest but most satisfying thing I have ever done and we know you can do it too!  Try to avoid the things that trigger it and stay strong.

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Good luck everyone. I just set my quit date on Feb 15.

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You can do it!! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it today! I have been drinking a lot of hot tea. It is soothing to me. Not sure if it would work for you, just thought I would pass it along. Keep up the great work because ALL OF  US CAN KICK THIS ADDICTION!

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Hello to everyone who has decided to quit.  I smoked for 30 years.  The last 2 years of those 30, I smoked 2 packs a day.  In May of 2008 I had a heart attack.  I haven't smoked since then.  My Doctor told me if I started smoking again, I could expect another heart attack within a few years.  It was really hard to quit, but I did it.  I just went cold turkey and kept thinking about the helicopter blades rotating over my head during my life-flight to the hospital.  The thought of those blades is what kept (and still keeps) me from lighting up.  I know its tough to quit, but before any of you have a serious problem like a heart attack or lung cancer or some other physical disaster like I did, just do everything you can and use every bit of will power you have in you to keep from lighting up.  I use toothpicks to help me with the cravings, and yes, I still get cravings.  Not all the time, but occasionally I get a craving to have a smoke.  When that happens I just remember how they almost killed me and I get really angry.  I channel that anger against the cigarettes and think "why would I want to intentionally hurt myself"?  That always does the trick.  You can do it too!  You can and will beat your addiction.  If you slip, pick up where you left off and keep going.  Good Luck and keep up the good work!

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I am on day three and have found it to be the most difficult. I was really optimistic the first two days but I really want a cigarette. I find that if I think about the health benefits and how much I want to be able to run around with my grandkids without having to stop and catch my breath, really helps me to say NO to myself. I do not want to have my life revolve around I have enough for the night, can I smoke where I am going, etc. Cigarettes are like a ball and chain wrapped around your ankles. This time I am going to quit for good!

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I know that day 3 was the absolute hardest day.  Not sure why but I got through it too.  I am on 2 weeks now and feel so much better.  I am using the patch and it really took the edge off for me.  I have a grandson too and I am quitting too so I can always be here for him as we are very close.  No more the ball and chain!!!!  Cigarettes can't control our lives anymore!!!

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Hi everyone,

My last cig was 12/31/09, am on patches so far so good. I started smoking when I was 12 , I am now 55 .Have quit several times longest being 2 yrs. with the help of zyban. I will win this time!! 

I am a breast cancer survivor since 6/09, I really dont want to have to deal with any other type of cancer. Looking forward to being totally nicoteen  free so I can continue on with my reconstruction.

Did anyone else get diahreaha on the patch? had it for 2 days but now have a sore and congested throat ( I think im getting sick)

Everyone be good, hang in there, WE CAN DO THIS !   WE HAVE TO!!

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Hi All,

I'm on day number 2, with the help of Nicorette. I have been sick too, which is also helping. Just like karaokelorie said,          WE CAN DO THIS!  WE HAVE TO! 

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