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Give and get support around quitting


Just arrived here

I'm working on my first 24 hours. I'm at work now and need something to do besides go outside and smoke. I'm on the patch and unlike previous times, I decided to take their advice and join a support group. I've tried many times before and have been off cigs 2 days, on 5; off 1 day on 20; off 7 days back on, blah, blah, blah. But this time I really, really, want to stop. Any and all suggestions are welcome
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59 Replies

Welcome to the is a great and helpful site for quitting..Congratulations on you decision to quit..stay can do it..Shirley

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My quit day is tomorrow, so I am getting ready to have my very last smoke very soon. Eeeek.

I'm going to be using the patch, too. You can do it, and so can I!


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The responses are certainly numerous.  What I found to do with my time was to go outside and take a walk.  The sunshine makes me feel good.  If the weather is bad I climb the stairs two or three times.  If you are a reader you could bring in a good book.  If you are a Christian I would recommend the Purpose Driven Life.

Stick in there, you can do it.

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tomorrow is my official quit day and I am hopeful and excited that i will be able to find the strength and courage to follow through with it this time once and for all. I have a 9 week old baby girl that is all the reason i need to stop it. I am also fortunate that I dont have alot of the triggers that some do like others that smoke in the house. My husband is not a smoker, I dont hang out at bars or around others that smoke. This is an addiction that solely lies with me and my lack of will power over all these years. I pray I can turn this around for good and never look back.

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I am using the nicotrol inhaler, and it really does seem to be helping. For the psychological addiction, I started knitting to keep my hands busy and feel productive; I use imagery and deep breathing when I cannot knit, and I also listen to music designed to help calm the brain, and keep it focused on positive thinking. Good luck! If you have questions, I would be happy to answer them. 🙂

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Tell me is the E Cigarette a safe way to quit smoking or not?

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I'm quitting 4/01.  I'm really scared that I will gain weight.  I've been trying to lose 30 lbs and have realized that I tied it to my smoking.  I would quit as soon as I lost 30 lbs.  I realized that I was taking my time with the weight loss so that I could delay the decision to quit smoking.  I have a heart condition, so I've been playing Russian Roulette with my health and this weight loss game.  Enough, no more excuses, Thursday is the day. 

Any helpful ideas would be great,  Trying to tackle both.

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I quit smoking February 14, 2010 after 48 years.  I started smoking at age 11 and I am now 59. Now I just have to break the habits i have for wanting a cigarette.  It's not really the cigarette that i want....its using my hands, etc.  I dont know what to do on my breaks at work anymore so I just don't take them.  I find myself walking to the coffe table by habit to get a cigarette.  The worst time is after eating.  OMG

So good.  I still haven't picked up a cigarette.  It's REALLY hard though.  Anyone have any ideas on breaking the physical habit of going to get a cigarette?

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