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Just a 2020 rant

I need to vent a little, about 2020.  First we (our country) started with hearing "possible pandemic" natterings at the begining.  Then, in early March, we (hubs and I) went on a two-day visit to son and family which turned out a bit contentious (nothing new there).  We get home and there is a note in our door from B-I-L making some wild accusations about hubs... again, nothing new but had to be dealt with mostly thru attorneys.   

A week later my precious Sox, kittyboy, began acting odd for a few days (not eating, not grooming), and it was time for rabies shot anyways, so off to the vet.  Well, turns out he had a large mass in his chest, probable lymphoma but they didn't know, off to another vet and testing, pretty much same thing.  Best option after much vet consultation and heartbreaking soul search agreed to be to ease him out of his discomfort, which was devastating to us.  That was the day before our whole county went on SIP lockdown.

We've been dealing with the lockdown pretty well, except exercise opportunities decreased, also dealing with B-I-L problems and threats as they arose (he barks a lot but has never actually bitten) and trying to get over the passing of our precious family member Kittyboy. 

Now for the last day and a half, we're on evacuation warning from wildfire, friends have already been evacuated.  We're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best since the fire departments are staging right across the highway from us, between us an the fires, but it's still stressful.  LOL, I haven't thought of smoking, but we're choking on smoke anyways, plus ash  .

On the bright side, we're still in our home (for now), for one thing.  A couple of weeks ago I had a follow up on my lung cancer which showed no changes, some resolution of an area that was of concern in February, so all is good there.  Another bright side, as mentioned above, I haven't even thought of smoking.  My children and grandchildren and loved ones are in good health, again a plus.  I guess I could count family members individually to come up with more bright twinkles  .  B-I-L has backed off (for now) so that's good too.

So far, 2020 has been difficult, seems like one big dark cloud until I pull out the pluses   .

37 Replies

How awful marciem sending some prayers...~ Colleen 


A follow up on the firefighter whose wallet was stolen...

They have pictures of the person using the credit cards at various venues in the area.

We'll all be happy to know, I'm sure, that this is a good citizen who wears a full mask when using ATM's and shopping.     (read sarcasm there )  .

His mask is pretty distinctive looking, not run-of-the-mill, so my fondest hope is that one of his friends will recognize it and be as appalled as most decent people are, and turn his thieving butt in.  


Oh, I SO hope so.  Appalled doesn't even BEGIN to describe how I feel.  Outraged is closer!  Disgusted is closer still!

Let us know if you hear of his arrest.  I will be applauding!!!


YAAY!!  Arrest made!!  Here's a link to the news video:  Man arrested for stealing from Cal Fire firefighter working Santa Cruz Co fire 

I wasn't able to embed the video.  
The gist being, they caught the guy (with a tip from somebody), he's on probation, he had the clothing that was in the picture they had of him at the store, he admitted it, he wrote a letter of apology to the firefighter, and was arrested on several felony charges.  The sheriff assures the audience that this will NOT be a "catch and release" situation.

The credit card company has said they are reversing all charges, and the Firefighter just wants to get back to his job.  He appreciates all offers of help (including from across the country), but it isn't needed since he has been made whole.



Thanks for the update, SOME good news.



GREAT news!!!  So grateful that scuzzbucket is off the streets!  How AWFUL do you have to be to steal from a FIREFIGHTER who may at that moment be working to save YOUR house??!!!



The guy isn't a kid (Santa Cruz being "Surf City", has a lot of young people, especially living in the area he did), he is 37 years old.   His home area was never under threat from the fire, other than the awful smoke and haze.  Just the mind-set needed to take advantage and go there, there was no reason for him to be near the vehicle he stole from, other than to do something wrong.

The firefighter is a real hero, who doesn't live in the area but left his home and family to be there to help with this devastating fire.  And wants nothing but his paycheck and a "job well done" in return, now that he's been made financially whole.  Impressive, to me.


I am just getting on the tail end of this post.  I am sorry that you have to deal with so much at one time.  It wonderful that we can go through life difficulties and not succumb to our addictions. Good Job. Good Blog.  Thank you for sharing.  I will put you on my prayer list. Thank God for plusses.