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Give and get support around quitting


July Quitters

Decided not to wait on July...I quit!
Etiquetas (1)
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372 Respuestas

Hi! My quit date is July first! I'm gonna do it this time...I am well prepared 🙂

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New to the site and quitting by July 15th.

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My quit date is July 22nd!  Glad to be here among you all.  We can do this!!

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Repost for the many who have joined this group lately:

Glad to see new faces!  I'm a newbie here, too, so don't think *I* can lead you around!  lol  It's really important to get to the blogs...that's where the EXperts (people with long quits and with a history of helping others) will find you.  They know much more than me.

I've found that by practicing using the site, I'm finding my way...slowly, but surely. 

There are lists of ideas for controlling triggers out there, but the tool on this site lets you set your OWN lists of ideas to beat specific triggers.  For instance, I smoke outdoors with my laptop, and that's one of the times I'm going to have to deal with.  I will only be logging on indoors, after July 1st.  I think it's really about changing learned to smoke while you do other things when you first you just have to relearn doing them without the cigarettes!  : )

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My quit date is the 26th.  After reading  through some of the material and watching some videos, I have a little bit more understanding as to why it is this is my third time in my life I have tried to quit.  I think I just needed more folks around me to help motivate me.  I even have a co-worker at work that helps keeeps me honest.  Tomorrow morning will be my third day.  I am snaking  quite a bit more, carrots, bell peppers, stuff like that.. and I went a few wandfuls of dried fruit and had some peanut butter M and Ms too.  I work out regularly but not ealry enough, so I cam going to try and get up earlier in the morning to do this.  I wish all of you the best of luck with your quit dates.

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July 15th is my quit date.  I so want this monkey off my back but I have tried to quit several times to no avail.  We will need each other to get this done.

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Hi my name is Mona.  This is my 3rd attempt to quit smoking. I know that I need to quit smoking due to serious health problem.  I am in such a delimma about stopping.  I really like to smoke but not t as much as I want to live. I want to see my grandchildren and great grandson grow up.   As well as I want  to be with my 3 daughters.. My stop date is July 16. It is my daughter and 2 granddaughters birthday.  I choose this date hoping that it will help me find the internal fortitude to stop smoking. This is the first time I  have reached out for help which is a big step for me. So this is my first step in becoming smoke free by getting honest with myself.  I look forward to this journey. I am praying for sucess. 

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My quit date is July 1! I've been to a smoking cessation counselor who directed me to this site. Will be using it extensively,since this will be my final quit date. I'm excited at the liberation of this nasty addiction! I've also been referred to a pulmonary doctor for severe asthma. Scarred the day lights out of me! I'm actually excited about quitting for good; and am ready!!

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Hi, im a 37 yr old mother of one and been married to the most amazing man in the world for 17 yrs.

Im doing this for them!!

My quit date was July 25th, so just finishing day 4!!!! 

This is hard and it's taking time to get into the, "i actually WANT to quit"       


I would love to be able to conect with someone.........

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Hi. Quit date is july 3. Am 60 and have been smoking for 47 years. I associate just about everything to cigarettes. Can't handle anything about it anymore for a long time now but have had little success with the many times I have tried to quit. Grateful to be aware of this site and community. Certainly could use and appreciate any help/support I can get. Thanks for being here.

Cindy F

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