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Give and get support around quitting


2013 Quitters

I didn't quit on the 1st but I hope I'm still welcome!  Today is my Day 1.  So far, so good.  I've had a number of cravings but have been able to get through them. The hardest time so far was getting off of work and not lighting up when I got to my car.  That used to be the closer, and way to wind down, after my work day.

 I'm using the lozenges as a quitting aid. It's hard to say if they are helping or not.  I'll stick with them though.  Congrats on your quit!  We can do this!

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114 Replies

I have not quit yet. My date is Jan 29th, hope I am also welcome in here. Gonna need all the help and support I can get!! Congrats to all of u that have quit!! Look at the savings and also the health benefits that begin from day 1 of not smoking!!

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I quit at 4:00 am on the 1st. I am excited to be smoke free in 2013!

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im quitting tomorrow, i did quit back in november, but had a huge set back, looking forward to 2013 and this is the first thing im doing, i know i can do this because i have done it before.  we all can do this!

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Hello everyone!  Today is 3 days, 12 hr. and 25 min.!  I am so excited that I have made it this far.    I am using the patch along with the lozenges for those really tough moments and so far, so good.  My biggest and toughest moments come at work.  I work in a bar/restaurant and the stress level there has in the past caused me to smoke like a freight train!  But I refuse to light that cigarette and instead pop a lozenge in my mouth and it really does seem to help.  I know that a lot of people feel that NRT's are not the way to quit, but it works for me (so far).  I was a 1 and 1/2 pack smoker for the past 30 yrs. and quitting cold turkey was not an option for me at this point.   

I would love to hear from all of you about your daily journey!  Here's to a smoke free day (one day at a time)!

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Day 4 for me, but I have not gone cold turkey.  I have significantly reduced the number of cigs in a day (yesterday was 6, the day before was far today just 2 - evenings at home are the hardest for me). 

I have appt. with dr. on Monday to get an Rx for Chantix.  I have smoked for more than 30 yrs and this is my 1st real attempt at other words, this is the 1st time I've been truly motivated to accomplish the goal!  BUT, I know I can't do it alone and need some help with various triggers.  What do you do with yourself when u are driving - that's a big one for me; as well as the 1st thing the morning with my 1st cup of coffee.

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@Crestiersq:  I used to get up in the a.m. and head straight to my kitchen, light up a cigarette and then head to the coffee pot.  Then I would sit at my kitchen table drinking one cup of coffee after another and smoke one cigarette after another.  That was my morning routine (I work nights by the way).  Anyway, now my routine in the a.m. has changed.   When I get up, I go and brush my teeth, put on a new patch, then i head to the kitchen for 1 cup of coffee and I stand instead of sitting to drink the coffee.  I found that chewing on a toothpick helps.  I have limited my coffee to one now.  And after I am finished with that cup, I go and get some things done around the house.  As far as in the car, I found that eating licorice helps or I sometimes use a nicorette lozenge.  These are things that help me.  You have to find what is good for you.  Please let me know how you do.

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My quit date is tomorrow - i am quitting with @sue - and really looking forward to having that partner to quit along side me - of course anybody else I would love to have also as friends, support and quitting buddies 🙂

I've quit countless times before and know i can do it so i really amlooking forward to this final quit

Love, Bea

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My quit date is 1-13-13.  I quit before a couple years ago for 13 months.  I really need a do-over so I'm accomplishing it this time. Getting alot of support together before your quit date is such a big help.  

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Champix day 4 for me.

This is a serious attempt for me I am determined to relearn life without cigarettes and shall be smoke free on Tuesday.  Looking forward to hearing all your new coping strategies and sharing mine. Caroline x

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