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Give and get support around quitting


I've set a quit date

Hi.  Im new here,  and I've set my quit date for may 15. Im 54 and I've smoked since I ws 19. I've had sonne periods of abstinence but I've always come back to it. Im tired of it,  but quitting seems so elusive sometimes.  I've never joined any type of support group and I'm so happy to have found you! 

24 Replies

Glad you found the text message setup.   For this quit (my first successful one), I used Welbutrin, nicotrol inhalers, a smoking cessation class, cut down for a week on a strict schedule,  and I was fortunate to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  The support from other quitters really helps.
You'll find quitters here that have used various aids to quit or none at all.  It really is your choice.  Whatever you decide, it will be the best decision for you.


Be ready for a big surprise. Many Quits just happen unexpectedly before the set Quit date.

Happened to me. My Quit happened about 10 days before my set date.


In the end: YOUWIN...IWIN...WEWIN



Having a support group such as ex smokers for myself was very helpful . I hope you will find the same . 

Congratulations on taking the first steps to freedom . 

Reach out as needed , ask questions as needed , read as needed , research as needed , post , don't smoke . We got your back , we have eCh others back . 


Hi!  Happy you found us! I stopped smoking 52 days ago. When I was preparing to quit I made a list of all the reasons I wanted to quit and the pros and cons of smoking. Needless to say, the only pro was that I thought I liked it. Now I know better. I smell better, my house smells better, I don't hack after I wake up, no phlegm!- I don't have to look at my pack to see if I have enough for the day, I am not giving the tobacco companies my money in exchange for rolled up poisen leaves to light and suck on, I feel better about myself and I came to this site and read and read. There are so many nice encouraging people here who have experienced everthing connected to quitting. No question or concern is out of bounds. I also take the pledge everyday which you can find on the home page. It helps keep me accountable. If I start feeling ansty, I come to this site and read many of the posts and blogs- there are thousands of them! I have also found that keeping my hands busy helps. I never smoked while laying down, so I will read in bed or on the couch and it gives me strength to move forward and get excited about my quit. Also, writing your feelings help, whether here( such as I'm doing now) or in a journal- will help when you feel weak- looking back on how far you've come will give you strength. Can you imagine the birds and rabbits outside hopping around with cigarettes in their mouths? Ha! Imagine how good you will look without one!  You can do this, mind over matter, and YOU matter! Keep us updated, Karen


Jemoda‌ U are giving yourself the best gift of Life. Read everything you can get your hands on. Make a plan and stick to it. Decide how u want to Quit. No amount of NRT will work if you're not committed. Prayer and patches worked for me. Stay close.


 I've tried patches before without much luck.  Im curious how many of you found NRT helpful,  and how many just skipped it? Every time I smoke right now im being very mindful of how it's affecting me and that ot will soon end,  and what I will do as an alternative.  Im trying to smoke less and less.  Sometimes it's working- sometimes not.  One day at a time. 

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Do what's best for you. This is not a one size fits all situation 

0 Kudos

So true! Im just curious what people have found most helpful.  The last time I tried the gum it was pretty disgusting, so that didn't last either. It's been a long time since I tried to quit. I was kind of wondering if NRT had improved at all or if I should skip it? Just curious about other people's experiences. 

0 Kudos

Alot of Elders say Cold Turkey. I couldn't do it. So patches for me.


Thank you for your input.  One of the main reasons I want to quit now is that when I smoke,  i'm starting to not feel well.  My husband had COPD and emphysema,  and he's STILL smoking.  I don't want to end up there.  I want to stop while i'm still relatively healthy. Enough is enough.