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Smoke Free and Living a Life of Gratitude

I had no thoughts of living my life in gratitude when I smoked.  Now that I am quit, it is very apparent that one of the biggest reasons for throwing away all my cigarettes, was the best decision I ever made, to improve my health and well-being!

I would love to hear your smoke free comments on how you are improving your health!  We are winners and we can help new quitters by giving them inspiration and hope!

Living A Life Of Gratitude.jpg

3 Replies

Improving health and lung function being 520 days free...I always exercised and took walks, but they are just that much better now...great post Rose...have a good day...~ Colleen 520 DOF 


Great post. I'm so grateful to finally get out of my body's way. It needs no smoke, no stimulants, nothing but nutritious food and clean water and air. Almost everything that needs to be done it will do with those simple building blocks. I'm grateful to even imagine living to be very old, maybe more than twice my age now.


Previously I never thought about deep breathing or taking walks.

Now I think about both every day. 

And I get joy from being able to do both, together.