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Give and get support around quitting


I've set a quit date

Hi.  Im new here,  and I've set my quit date for may 15. Im 54 and I've smoked since I ws 19. I've had sonne periods of abstinence but I've always come back to it. Im tired of it,  but quitting seems so elusive sometimes.  I've never joined any type of support group and I'm so happy to have found you! 

24 Respuestas

  Hello and Welcome Jemoda   Take this time to read and learn as much as you can about Nicotine Addiction  The physical and mental withdraw symptoms your body will experience Learn ways to beat cravings. Being prepared and knowing what to expect is a great asset. 

  Participate. Ask questions when you need to.  Post how you are feeling ask for help or just play a game to beat a crave or not



   Welcome to Ex, Jemoda. You have come to the right place for support and community. Please stick around-- read, learn, comment, blog, ask questions as much as you wish. Have in you just begun to think about quitting or have you started a plan?  

   Most of us have to get to the point where we are willing to take quitting one day at a time--build smobriety in that way. I know I wanted to see the end of the story before I quit...but one day at a time was and is what I could manage!!!

Quit Kit aka Tool Box by Giulia

/blogs/Marilyn.H.July.14.14.-blog/2019/09/30/its-bound-to-take-time-to-relearn-life by Marilyn by Jackie

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube  


Hi there.  I laughed at the word "abstinence." It evokes a kind of stoic sacrifice, like for Lent or something LOL

Here at EX we don't abstain; we are FREE!  We celebrate our freedom from nicotine addiction. Nothing elusive about it. It's all about choice.  Choose to be free, create a plan for it, and do it. 



Welcome to the Ex.  Congrats on your decision to quit.  Many of us have attempted to quit multiple times. What made the difference for me this time was educating myself about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan. My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX   In the past, I'd pick a date to quit, an aid to use, but didn't really understand what it takes to be successful.  Knowledge and preparation makes quitting a achievable goal.  I found the Ex a week before my quit date and contribute much of my success to having support from fellow quitters.  We're here to support you, so just reach out if you need encouragement or want to share your journey.

I also signed up for daily text messages from the Ex that week prior to quitting. I found them motivating and helped me to look forward to my quit date.  

Look forward to celebrating your quit date on the 15th.   

One day at a time.



I've been doing exactly what you suggested and existing myself on how nicotine had an impact on my body.  However when I read the information I feel my defenses popping up.  I want to quit so badly,  but what will make this time different? I've tried to quit SO many times and failed time and time again. Im scared that this will just be another failure. My morning routine is the worst time for me... with my coffee.  I've already cut down a bit during the other times of the day. The thought of not being a smoker is very scary for me.  I don't know if that makes sense at all. 

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How do you sign up for the daily texts?

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Jemoda One of the biggest realizations for me was when I read that nicotine was designed to only last a short time in your brain.  That's why we crave another cigarette in about 1/2 hour.  We're constantly going through withdrawal.  Many of us have attempted to quit numerous times.  Being prepared by having a plan really works.   Having those tools in place when you have a craving, physical or psychological.  Different quitters may use different techniques.  I had to keep busy and walking really helped me.  I used Sour Patch Kids, deep breathing and chewing on  straws.  You can search any of these topics on the magnifying glass to get ideas of what others found helpful.   Certainly having support from other quitters is priceless.  Early in my quit, I came to the site a number of times and this community got me through some rough moments.
Creating new routines to learn new associations instead of smoking is a part of the process.   Coffee is a good example.  I used to drink my coffee on the porch while I smoked numerous cigarettes.  When I quit, I started having my coffee while I was on the Ex in the morning.  Some people need to avoid these things completely, if only temporarily.  I couldn't sit on my deck the first few months when I quit.  I can now.   It doesn't all happen in just one day--it's a journey.
But, I think the most important thing was overcoming the fear of quitting.  It's common to be afraid.  We've smoked through every activity and emotion, good or bad.  I finally realized it was a choice.  I could smoke tomorrow if I chose to, so there was nothing to fear.  It's one day at a time.

To sign up for daily text messages:

  1. Go to Edit Profile: BecomeAnEX  > Select Communications to expand.
  2. Choose box for Yes Send Me Text messages
  3. Fill in your mobile phone number
  4. Select your mobile provider, if applicable
  5. Submit.

I must be technically challenged lol.  I can't find edit profile anywhere,  even following those instructions. 

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Duh. I found it lol

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