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Give and get support around quitting


My quit date was set for today but I was ready and decided to quit 3 days early on Friday of last week.  I got patches and gum.  I have been chewing the heck out of that gum!  I had switched from cigarettes to vaping back in 2014.  At first, I felt so much better.  I convinced myself that I had tricked the system!  I could still smoke and I wouldn’t stink and could do it in the bathroom, sneak vaping on airplanes, you name it.  I felt free.  Then I found these vapes at these head shops that were amazing.  They just tasted delicious!  I started vaping more and when COVID came I was able to work remotely which allowed me to smoke all the freaking time.  I no longer felt good.  I couldn’t breathe.  Just walking to my house from my driveway made me feel horrible and pant and gasp.  Things like COPD didn’t seem too far from where I was at.  

Thank you for your community.  The texts and emails to make me think about quitting made it feel like someone cared about my smoking and about me.  I quit on Friday and I am going to get this monkey off my back now,   Thank you for your help!  I am going to need it!

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I quit vaping on Saturday, 10/30.  I'm using the patch to help.  No gum - I am an addict and the gum lets ME control the dosage.  And I don't trust myself. I was using 5%, aka JET FUEL, Juuls for a few years.  I switched to 3% two weeks before my quit date so I could start feeling the withdrawal feeling and practice overcoming it.  

Proud of you.  Stay strong.  Dig through this site.  There is SO MUCH helpful information.  The community is wonderful and supportive.  Keep us posted on how you're doing. 


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8 Replies

great job. Now you are ready and that’s what you have to do is be ready you got this. Never give in. Congratulations 

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I quit 10/31 so we are not far off from each other.

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Not applicable

Congrats on your decision to quit vaping . Looks like it's great timing for a new start . There are many newcomers starting out this November  that you can connect and journey with . Together you can be stronger .

Long-timers are those who've quit before you and can look out for you . I learned from my elders and my elders helped me to stay quit when they could see I was in trouble . Reach out when you need to . Share your journey if you are comfortable as well. Sharing  your vape journey and quit can help you stay quit and be helpful to others as well . It a win win . Your testimony helps me to remember today that vaping is another trick addiction uses and to stay far away from . It's not healthier than smoking and smoking is not healthier than being quit . Being free from smoking or vaping is the best choice ever! 

Just something to draw to your attention . I noticed you mentioned you are chewing the heck out of the gum .Check the instructions for use on the nicotene gum . It should be  parked in your cheek for the most benefit . If you find tho that chewing gum is quite helpful have some regular gum on hand for the chewing purposes as well .

Congrats on your decision to quit . You will do it. 


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I quit vaping on Saturday, 10/30.  I'm using the patch to help.  No gum - I am an addict and the gum lets ME control the dosage.  And I don't trust myself. I was using 5%, aka JET FUEL, Juuls for a few years.  I switched to 3% two weeks before my quit date so I could start feeling the withdrawal feeling and practice overcoming it.  

Proud of you.  Stay strong.  Dig through this site.  There is SO MUCH helpful information.  The community is wonderful and supportive.  Keep us posted on how you're doing. 



@TURNEJM Welcome and congrats on your quit.  Glad you found us. The support here has made the difference for many successful quitters.

We're here for you and look forward to celebrating your milestones.





I quit smoking since Nov1 its hard but i was  able to do it thanks much for the advice

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No vaping.  No smoking.  No nothing but breathing the fresh air.

Our lungs were not built to slam with toxic cocktails!!

Write up your entire Quit Plan.

Stock up a good Quit Kit.

Perhaps patch program might work for you!!!

cut some straws smoke length to suck on when the Craves hit.

You know Niki going to come after you will everything its got to get you to go back smoking!!!


Lean on your Plan to get you through.

Deep breaths will always serve you well!!

ALL craves must pass!!!

Hang in there!!!1



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