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People die when I quit

30 year smoker here. First time I quit, my sister was killed in a car accident. 
Second time I quit, my grandma died. 
Tried again, my mom died. Fourth time my father in law died. After each death I picked up smoking again. 
I am on day 6, and I’m anxious. Nicotine anxiety, yes—but also this fear someone will die. And I get that one thing doesn’t cause the other. It’s just a fear. What I need to learn is how to cope with the stress of a major event without cigarettes. 

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4 Replies

Congratultions on quit day 6.  Almost completed a full week of being nicotine free.  Be proud of yourself.

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@SBelle11 Welcome and congrats on 6 days of success. I'm sorry to hear about your losses.  Life  can be difficult, but I life happens, good or bad,  whether we smoke or not.   

 It's normal to be anxious about quitting.  We've smoked our way through every emotion and activity in our lives.  If you approach your quit one day at a time, it will help to alleviate the fear.  Don't think about forever right now.  Your goal for now is one day.

A big part of quitting is creating new associations to replace smoking.  There's where you plan comes into play.  This link is a great place to learn about tools, cravings and creating those associations.  It's also educating yourself about nicotine addiction plays a big role in a successful quit.

We're here to support you, so reach out anytime we can help.  Also, consider taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at a time.

Stay busy and stay close.





 It appears your post took a good amount of courage. I hear what you are saying and I feel for you.  I hope you also remain smoke free. 

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@SBelle11 How are you doing with your quit?  Thinking about you.


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