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Give and get support around quitting


I am bored. What do I do?

Hi my name is Anishka. I am currently living in Georgia and I have been trying for years to quit smoking. I realized that smoking has become my safety net and my pacifier. If I am bored, I will smoke. If I am upset about something then I smoke. Right now I am bored and also trying to sort out my relationship. All I want to do right now is smoke. I want to crack open a beer and just smoke until I am tired of thinking about anything. What do you do when smoking is how you deal with everything? Does anyone have any tricks that they have used that will help me through this tough time?
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7 Respuestas

I can relate to absolutely everything that you just wrote. I have been smoking for 13 years and it has been my everything. It's my pick-me-up, my crutch, my stress reliever, etc. I have tried to quit more times than I care to admit. There is no easy way for anyone to deal with it and you REALLY have to be ready. If you truly think you're ready, I'd recommend discussing options with a doctor. I know that I personally get really depressed and anxious when I don't smoke and asked my doctor about Zyban. It was originally prescribed as an anti-depressant. Instead, he suggested Chantix and another separate medication to help me deal with the anxiety and depression. It's been 20 days and I'm feeling so much better. I too am dealing with relationship issues. It sucks. When things get bad, I call my friends, get out of the house for as long as I think i need to, go for a LONG (like an hour or 2) walk, drink Lots of water, chew gum, read, or just go to bed early. I have been forcing myself to go to bed early and it's truly amazing what a few extra zzzz's can do for you. Everything looks a little less overwhelming after a good night's rest. This is your life and you only live once. I don't recommend letting relationship issues keeping you from doing what you want to do for yourself. That's one reason why I have failed in the past and it's just not worth it. Try doing something you'd never thought to check out local tourist traps that you'd never even considered. Distract yourself. Good luck. When you're ready, you'll know.
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I applaude your words, you are so wise, I also just tried Chantix and it helped so much after so many years, thank you for support AIRBORNEANGEL!
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Get your MP3 player and start putting all your favorite music on, in the order you want, and once you've compiled your perfect playlist, go for a long walk with your headphones on. Tune out everything else and let your mind go where it wants. This should help occupy the time needed for the craving to pass. Don't give up, I know it's hard, and I've been there before and caved in myself. You just have to remember that you really don't want to smoke, which is why you're heere, and giving in only means wanting to quit again eventually, and that's just going in circles, right? Why do it all overe again?
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I'm going through the same thing too.
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Hi Anishka,
I to have the same problem. I crave a smoke when I am bored, angry, or on the phone. The best way to deal with this problem is... to first recognize that we as smokers use this as a crutch.... We need to find a new crutch.. but a healthy one at that. I find that when I am bored and have nothing to do I must make myself do something..... Something I enjoy and something that will not harm my body or anyone else. I have always been a meditator and this helps me extreamly well. I also do yoga . I work more in my garden and spend alot of time out doors with my dogs more.... Play with my son and take him to the park... Bake healthful snacks we all enjoy and pick up a good book . anything that will take my mind off of smokeing. I have been smoke free going on 14 days.. I also take chantix and it helps alot. But truth be told you really have to want to quit to make it happen. by now all the chemicals in my body are out and really the craveings come from force of habit now .... not withdrawls. So its mind over matter. Find a good suport system as well. Good friends here and at home whom will support you in your effort to quit.. and will not critisize you if you mess up. Rethink over and over why you want to quit when you crave a smoke. Tell your self you will have control of you and your thoughts and actions not the smoke.... I know its easier said than done .. but if you are really ready you can do this.. I know you can because I can.... And alot of others have to.!! 🙂 I wish you much love on your path to a smoke free life and will pray for you... if you need to talk just type away and I will help you in anyway I can. Also if you havent done so.. write a goodbye letter to your smokes and then read it outloud to someone close to you... it did me a good deal.... sounds corny I know but it worked for me..... Perhaps it will for you too.... just remember we are all different and what might work for one person doesnt always work for another ... smokeing made us feel better so you need to find someting else that makes you feel better.... Take a shower or a bubble bath...anything that makes you feel good and happy.... just be sure its a positive safe and healthy destresser. Much luv and best wishes! Peace-GypsyWoman- Hilary
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I'm the same way. I stress out, I smoke. I'm trying to do other things when i get this way. I go for a walk, or just chew on some gum. Or sometimes, i get up, turn up the music, and just scream. It gets all the stress out, and gets you worn. If you get a craving, try to drink some water? So every time you think, i want a cig, go get a glass of water and drink some. Good luck Anishka! YOU CAN DO IT!
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lol i'm sorry but i thought that too everyone is like drink some water. I seriously walked, got out of the house, told myself the bad things about smoking, and that its just not good, but i always seem to go back... i can go at least 5 hours without a cigarette but when i do get's over!!! i'm still trying i try to hold off longer and longer but then i end up smoking more and more, what am i doing wrong??
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