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Give and get support around quitting



Hi, I'm Mombug and I am a relapsed smoker. I quit twenty years ago, and it only took my about a month to become addicted to cigarettes again. I started smoking again around six months ago, and am determined to quit again. Thanks for any encouragement you can provide!!
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23 Replies

Thank you Cindy, the cigarettes really take hold. Six months seems like six years, I want to quit, but . . . it is so hard. I think I will try the nicorette gum. Is it nasty?
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Hey Cliff, thanks for the kind words. Was not aware that the chemical addiction is a quick one to break. I guess it becomes behavioral? Anyway, I am preparing to quit now, just tracking my cigs and triggers. I know I can do it, just need to DO IT. Thanks again!
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Hi. Welcome to Ex! You have made a wonderful decision.. It really is a wake up call for me to know you can lose a 20 year quit by taking One puff! You have helped me just by posting here. You can do this! I just wanted to offer you my support, and if you ever need anthing, just shout!
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Hey Kozmik Burd, thanks for your words of support. Love your quote "they travel in packs", never thought of it that way but they do, the little buggers. I think I can, I know I can, I will. (i hope . . .)

Thanks again for your good wishes.

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Hi mombug, I'm new here too. I quit about a year ago but for only 30 days. I've been a smoker for 25 years. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!! everything I've read so far on this site is so encouraging, I'm sure we will find the external strength we need to nurture our internal resolve.............GO US!!!!
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Not so good today. Had a very stressful day yesterday, was 12 hours without a cigarette and poof, I was back again. I've had five already today and am so disappointed in myself for being so weak. I am trying to cut down before I set my quit date. I have had some success with resisting the urge that comes on when my stress is triggered. I really appreciate your support. Having someone check on you makes me feel like I am letting my supporters down. For me that is good, guilt is what drives me (catholic and italian, very bad combination). Sometimes I'm not sure if I should try and quit cold turkey, but that seems like an epic undertaking. I won't be discouraged, I'll just wipe myself off and move on. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

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Oh Stacey, thirty days must have felt so good, so you know you can do it. I wish I could get through 30 hours!!!! I hope that you have much success and I appreciate your support. We'll be okay, we can do this!!
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Hey Connie, thanks for your kind words. You are right, not the brightest bulbs, but it did seem like a great idea when I took that first puff. I had even forgotten how to inhale, but I learned fast. It's very encouraging to read that you have quit for three years. Hope for me. I appreciate all the support I have received here. I will do everyone proud!!
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No, I used the fruit chill gum,. I liked it. They make it more like "real" gum now. It used to be nasty!
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Hi Connie, Thanks so much for you encouragement. I am trying but I know that I am not ready to set my quit date. Working towards being aware of how much and when I am smoking. I just find that as soon as stress sets in, I'm still reaching for a cigarette. Why can't I just go iron something? Oh well, working towards small goals is sometimes the only way to accomplish anything. Instead of smoking right now, I AM going to tackle my pile of ironing. UGH!!! Thanks Connie, you are a doll!!!
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