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Give and get support around quitting



I feel stupid. I thought once again that if I just made up my mind, whamo, I would be able to not pick up a smoke this morning. I didn't do any planning last night when I was done working, I just drank a couple of beers and tried to smoke as much of my last pack as I could get through before bed. I didn't wet the remaining smokes in the pack and throw them away like I thought I should so they wouldn't be on my desk in the morning. I just thought, "Last pack and I will be done"... I am sure most here can relate, you have probably done the same as me, like a million times, and then hated yourself for failing so easy the next day.

Ok, so 3 smokes left in the pack in my desk drawer, I really, really don't want to go buy more at lunchtime, I really, really want this insanity in my head to end and just get over to the other, smoke-free side, and start learning to live without these damn awful things.  I am so scattered about my thoughts right now I don't even know where to begin, except here, telling this website how I feel. Not one person in the real world knows what I am going through.  My mom had a hip replacement at the beginning of the month and came out of it a non-smoker, she has smoked longer than me.  But she won't talk to me about it though I hear her talking on the phone to others about it. She just stopped. My sneaky little nicotine mind thinks she is cheating, but there is absolutely no evidence.  I have told her (and everyone else) a million times that I am done, and a million-and-one times I have failed.  So this is just a secret agony I am going through by myself.  I am so glad I found this website.  You know what the funny thing is? I can't remember the last time I truly enjoyed lighting up and smoking a cigarette. Every inhale is a curse I say to myself.



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61 Replies

Welcome!  We are so happy you're here, M!

Make this website your new addiction for a while.  Whenever you experience a crave, come here first.  Read or Blog but make this site your destination when you need some motivation to keep your quit.  We've all been where you are and want to help.  

You can do it!



Thank you Sandi! I have definitely felt so welcome! 


As you can see - you will get plenty of support here! Congrats on deciding to quit and - stay close! 



As you can see from the 30+ responses........we don't allow anyone in our community to think they are stupid. That kind of thinking leads to defeat. You are not stupid. Addiction is tricky and you've been trying to "go at it" without the proper tools. Read everything you can find on this terrible and listen to the support you will receive here and ASK for it whenever you need it. Freedom is CAN do this. We all did and we are no different from you.

Welcome to EX.......we are all here for each other.

Stay Strong.


I'm on day 337... my mouth still waters for them.

Just dont do it. No real trick besides not doing it. Good luck lady!!


I felt the same way for months leading up to this last quit. It's been 18 days (sometimes it feels like ONLY 18 days, and other times it feels like YAY 18 DAYS!), and I have literally had to take it minutes at a time.  Sometimes the cravings are so bad I start making a list in my head of people that are close by that I can get a smoke from. Or how close the nearest gas station is.  Or which spot I would go to for that one cigarette that I totally need right now.

Then I pop a mint, give it a few sucks, go on a walk (inside a building so I don't feel like I want to smoke), or do jumping jacks (which makes me the coolest person in my group of cubicles), or color a picture (one of the adult ones with cuss words so it's extra awesome), or stare at the pics of my kids at my desk. 

Sometimes it's just one minute at a time, and I definitely fear a relapse, but I've done one minute at a time for 18 days, so I'll call it a win. 




AnnaM0912‌ You made me laugh out loud...I could just SEE you doing jumping jacks in a cubicle.  Be grateful that you still CAN...I could no more do jumping jacks than I could go for a run...I did my lungs in by don't have to do that.  Deep breaths, sounds to me like you are doing everything right...18 days IS a win...a BIG win.



I really admire you for your 18 days! that's WONDERFUL. I haven't quit yet but reading your post gives me hope. Thanks