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Give and get support around quitting



I feel stupid. I thought once again that if I just made up my mind, whamo, I would be able to not pick up a smoke this morning. I didn't do any planning last night when I was done working, I just drank a couple of beers and tried to smoke as much of my last pack as I could get through before bed. I didn't wet the remaining smokes in the pack and throw them away like I thought I should so they wouldn't be on my desk in the morning. I just thought, "Last pack and I will be done"... I am sure most here can relate, you have probably done the same as me, like a million times, and then hated yourself for failing so easy the next day.

Ok, so 3 smokes left in the pack in my desk drawer, I really, really don't want to go buy more at lunchtime, I really, really want this insanity in my head to end and just get over to the other, smoke-free side, and start learning to live without these damn awful things.  I am so scattered about my thoughts right now I don't even know where to begin, except here, telling this website how I feel. Not one person in the real world knows what I am going through.  My mom had a hip replacement at the beginning of the month and came out of it a non-smoker, she has smoked longer than me.  But she won't talk to me about it though I hear her talking on the phone to others about it. She just stopped. My sneaky little nicotine mind thinks she is cheating, but there is absolutely no evidence.  I have told her (and everyone else) a million times that I am done, and a million-and-one times I have failed.  So this is just a secret agony I am going through by myself.  I am so glad I found this website.  You know what the funny thing is? I can't remember the last time I truly enjoyed lighting up and smoking a cigarette. Every inhale is a curse I say to myself.



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61 Replies

Thank you thank you thank you!  Me too!


I am SO HAPPY for you!  Hmmmm, I did that pink cloud thing but it didn't HURT me.  I actually found funny things to be funnier...honestly, I laughed louder and longer than I had done in years.  Remember to breathe...deep breaths IN and slowly exhale through pursed helps with the disorientation and fuzzy brain issues.

Congratulations on your raise!



Great Melissa ... keep it going...


Everyone has a different method, mine was reading Allan Carr's The Easy Way to Quit smoking for women. Really, it's for anyone trying to quit,, not just women. I literally went cold turkey after reading the book, like 3 times over 4 months. 5 days after I turned 64, I quit. Not that I don't get urges, mind you- every time I drive by a Walgreens I want to pop in to buy a pack. Thing is, my brand is very expensive, I just don't; want to pay. I did gain a few pound, but they're gone now. My husband still smokes, out in the garage. My weakest moments are when I drink wine. So I rarely have alcohol any more. But. my daughter's wedding is coming up in May, I won't be able to avoid it then, I'm afraid. There are very few smokers around anymore.

Don't get discouraged, just pick yourself up and start again!


They are creating very sophisticated drinks (called formula cocktails, I think) now without liquor.  You might ask the reception venue if they could have one of them available for you?!   If you MUST drink, you might limit yourself to just one, and sparkling water with a splash of lime for the rest of the time.  Alcohol is a proven quit killer - I have read of far too many quits lost over it in the time I have been here.



Hi Nancy since quitting smoking I have had a few glasses of wine, but sorta lost my taste for alcohol.  When I want a cocktail, I have diet Tonic and limes on ice and no alcohol ... it tastes fresh ingredients and no hangover ... just an FYI 


I know it's easier said than done, but at the end of the day, smoking is a choice. Choose not to smoke..I'm almost at 1 year cold turkey, and everyday is a struggle, but I choose not to go buy cigarettes everyday. I definitely have that urge, but I chose to quit those stupid things..Please just choose to not do it any longer. Stick with it..If you can do 1 day, you can do a100 days etc. Good luck to you..I know you can do this!!


jsichi‌ I am sorry that you are still struggling...seriously, I stopped feeling like I had to struggle much earlier than almost a year.  I accepted that smoking was a choice and I accepted that quitting was a JOURNEY and just took it one step at a time.  Are you staying close to the site?  I came here and read  every morning and every evening and got stronger and stronger because of the people and the support here.  Now, I have over five years and I do not think about smoking, I do not have urges or craves, I do have an occasional memory.



Thanks!  Everyone is wired different, so when I say I struggle, I mean I have moments during the day when i crave a cigarette, it passes and I'm fine. I can't ever imagine smoking again, so I know its not something that I'll go back to, but yes, i do think about it. A good friend of mine who quit smoking 23 years ago told me he still struggles with it from time to time, which seems crazy to me. But like I said, everyone is wired a little different. Thanks again for your kind words!!!!


Good for you...I started calling those craves or urges, "memories" early on to get my brain to accept them as just that.  Not sure if it helped me or not but I sure am glad to be where I am.

Congratulations, I could not be happier for you.
