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Give and get support around quitting



Today is my anniversary of 1 year off cigarettes. I wasn't one who counted days, hours and minutes. For me, just putting it out of my mind worked best, but 1 year? That's worth celebrating.

I was very lucky because for me, this time, it wasn't that hard. I decided one day to quit and that day I went from a little over a pack a day to 5 cigarettes. I figured that was a sign so I just stopped right there - cold stop dates.........I just quit. I'm not going to tell you it was easy but obviously it was doable.

I don't know why I was so lucky this time because in the past when I tried to quit I had no success. I guess all the planets were aligned :-). Then, too, there was something about this website, with it's information and support, that helped me so much. I still put aside the money I spent weekly on cigarettes and consider that my "fun" money so on a budget that allows very few frills I have the money to treat myself now and then.

Thank all of you who helped and to those of you in the middle of your journey all I can say is to stick with it. You'll be so happy when you've finally beat it.

Best of luck to you all,
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2 Replies

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Absolutely... Congratulations!!! You were not "lucky" ... You were READY to quit... and you quit! It is a mindset. Once I stopped worry about my urges and just told myself that I did not want to be a smoker, so smoking was not an option... I am at 75 days quit. There is NO WAY I will smoke another ciggerette again, unless i can look myself in the mirror and say... "I want to be a smoker", ... That aint gonna happen!!!
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