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Give and get support around quitting



New here, how do you guys feel about this site? Does it seem to help you?

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4 Replies

Hi, Im new here also.  Today is my second day of not smoking.  I am using the patch and supplementing that with an occasional nicorette lozenge.  I managed to get thru day one pretty well, even though I had a couple of cocktails when some friends stopped over. Considering they say alcohol is a huge trigger, I  am proud of myself for not letting it tempt me into smoking again.  I am very motivated to quit as I am 45 years old and have been smoking for 30 years, a pack a day.  I am tired of spending 8.25 a day on something that owns me and my lifestyle.  I am going to save my nonsmoking money and treat myself to a vacation to Hawaii.  I have tried to quit before and failed, so this time I am trying to educate myself more about the addiction and support process.  I do feel that this site is helpful because instead of smoking last nite I spent four hours reading the blogs of people who are feeling the same way I am about this process. 

Good luck to you!  WE CAN DO THIS!

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I think I will just try cold turkey this time. Haven't quit yet but definately going to give it a try!

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I'm new here, I'm a 43 year old female,who here wants to quit smoking.

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I'm new here and have been on the site for a few days, it really helps me right now because it gets me to sit and THINK about my smoking and what it is doing to me, it is very empowering for me to read other people's stories and have their support.  I'm going to go cold turkey when I reach my quit date and by that point i hope that my smoking will have dwindled down enough that it wont be a big deal.  Def in the beginning stages of having the cigarette anxiety like...omg I'm not going to be able to smoke on my drive home?  but...I guess we all go through that, right?

Best of luck to everyone!

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