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Give and get support around quitting


Hi to everyone,

I think I finally figured out how to post. At least I’m hoping. I began using EX approximately a week ago. It seems there’s some very good information here. I desperately need to quit smoking. One would think when they hear more than one Pulmonologist tell them (me) I probably won’t last another 5 years, that the enormous fear of hearing that would make me stop right then and there. I know it has for others. I can’t understand why it hasn’t for me. All I can think of is that in a life of instability it has been the one and only thing that has never left or changed. I guess one could say it’s the worst Toxic bff I’ve ever had, yet the most reliable. I don’t really know right now, I feel so lost, scared, and confused. I’m curious if anyone else has felt this way and if so where did you begin to find your way?

31 Replies

@HopefulSoul As for as the aids go, if you follow the instructions you'll wean off them the as you reduce the dosage or the amount of use.  

Acknowledge that you have made changes.  You signed-up for a quit smoking site, you're reading material and interacting with other quitters.  You've taken the first step to begin your quit.  We need to be ready to quit, but don't let the fear of quitting stop you.  Do the work and you will be prepared. This may be not be the norm, but when I quit I told myself it was a choice.  I can smoke again if I choose to.  I only have to do this for one day.  Those one days have turned into 5.5 year.

The Importance of Having a Quit Plan - EX Community



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Community Manager

Welcome, @HopefulSoul and thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities here. You're already a week into your quit so that is wonderful news! Remember to give yourself grace; quitting nicotine is a hard habit to break but it absolutely can be done. And hopefully these can be helpful resourcse as well:

This is a really supportive community so keep us posted on your journey, and remember you got this!

- Danielle, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

@HopefulSoul Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit. I'm happy to hear you've been reading material on the site.  That's the first step on your journey.

If health scares and warnings worked, none of us would have been smokers for so long.  So don't berate yourself for it. This bottom line is that nicotine is an addiction and addictions are hard to stop.   But it can be done with work, commitment and support.

You can win that internal battle by educating yourself about nicotine addiction and putting a plan in place with how you'll deal with cravings, identifying your triggers and creating the new associations you'll create instead of smoking. This comes into play when you're having cravings in the morning. What can you do instead of smoking? Change up your routine. Go for walk, read material on the Ex, if you drink coffee, for example, drink it in a different place, etc. Be creative.

And you just found an amazing group of quitters here to support you on this journey to becoming an Ex. There will be ups and downs, but that is part of the journey. We're here for you, so just reach out anytime we can help or want to share your experience.

This link is a great place to get you started on the right track.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Look forward to celebrating on the 15th. In the meantime, continue to prepare, read, and stay close.





So glad you started your own thread.  You will find help here and alot of information.  Before I quit, I started watching all the videos on  Those videos are hard to watch, which is why I needed to watch them, to give me a dose of reality, as to what smoking was doing to my health.  Maybe you need to watch those?  Allen Carr's book, Easyway to quit Smoking, might also help your attitude about are not giving anything up, you are GAINING control of your life, back.  I do like your handle.  I am also a hopeful soul.  


No, one wouldn't think...

Former smokers understand very clearly that this is an addiction and that addiction doesn't yield to feelings, common sense, wishes, hopes, promises. It does yield to decision, plan and action. 

Most quitters have to work hard to get over believing that they are lost without nicotine. Addiction means that all we want to do is use, use, use. Change comes one day at a time. 

Give this all that you have got--call on all your strength and just keep showing up for your quit one day at a time. In return, you will discover that you have far, far more capacity to recover and thrive than what your addiction is telling you.

iMarkup_20210523_082833.jpgScreenshot 2023-01-11 at 9.34.24 PM.png8f772996c438f869e186ed84640c96f9.jpgYou have everything you need to quit right inside youYou have everything you need to quit right inside you



Hi and thank you so much for the support you offer. I’m sure there’s tons of us who need it, so it means a lot. I hope I can be among the quitters one day as well and offer support to people who are where I am right now.


@HopefulSoul  I believe you will get to a place you need to be in, concerning this addiction.  You will do this your own way.  You are in my thoughts and just know that we all want you to overcome this, so you can live your ilfe on your terms.  Overcome this, so you can go to the beach and just enjoy everyday life.  I know when you started smoking, you never planned to give up your quality of life for a cig.  None of us did.  Do what is best for you Hopeful Soul.  


November 15th is a Great day to quit! 
I want to tell you I panicked and smoked more when I was battling myself about when to quit, too.  I hope you find your way. Share your journey and ask for help.  We’re all rooting for you! 🥊🚭🎯


Can I ask how you dealt with the panic? Mornings are the absolute worst. It sounds like you found your way. Congrats if you have-that is a huge accomplishment.

I was pretty much in the same position you are, I have now been almost a year without cigarettes and I was one of those people that I smoked a cigarette for everything. I couldn't even drive without having a cigarette going in my hand the only thing that helped me was the nicotrol inhaler it is a little piece of cotton with nicotine on it you get prescribed by your doctor and it really helped because I had something I could hold in my fingers. I haven't had a cigarette since December 13th of last year, you can do this. I have faith in you stay strong and try the nicotrol inhaler you can use them with patches or without and they really do help. Good luck