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Give and get support around quitting


Hi. I just joined and am trying to quit

Well...I'm new here. I want to quit smoking this week. I have been talking with my husband for a while about it, and we decided that when I'm out of cigarettes, I'm done. My husband and I REALLY want to have a baby, and smoking will only hinder that. My husband doesn't smoke, so being around him instead of my smoking friends should work, right?? Um, well...I guess thats it. I don't really know how to do these things....

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4 Respuestas

hi try every thing and everthing till you finf what works for you!stay strong

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thank you! I iwll definitely be trying!

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Having children is a wonderful reason to quit!  Even if you are just thinking about it now. 

I quit once before and it is much easier to quit when you are with someone who does not smoke.  I started again after quitting for several years (my kids were little then)  and am now quitting again . . . it's a very hard addiction to fight.

Tell your friends the truth . . . that you are going to quit and you will have to avoid being around them for a while until you have it under control.  Do not hang with anyone who is smoking right now . . . it is not giving yourself a fair shot.

Hopefully your husband will support and encourage you . . . you may get a little cross as you go through withdrawal symptoms.

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try smoking just half of a cigarette  then later smoke the other half  it weens you off slowly

that is what worked for me  it has been 32 days since i quit. The first 10 to 15 days are

the hardest  tell your husband you will be grouchy and not very plesent to be around  for

about 2 weeks it takes time to get the nicotine out of your system. Hang in there and stay

strong you can do it 

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