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Give and get support around quitting


G'morning, just joined "Become An Ex" (smoker, that is)...

Hello all,

What a nice surprise to find a forum that supports quitting smoking! It's time! I've smoked for probably 30 years or so (yikes... that's a long time!) and it is time to quit this nasty, disgusting habit.

I am fairly newly separated from a long-term relationship/marriage and headed for divorce and found that THAT was a great excuse to continue smoking (yeah, right!)... all the stress of this whole divorce thing is a great reason to keep smoking... who am I kidding? But actually, after much thought, decided it was, yet, just another excuse.

ALL of my friends and family members have quit smoking... every single one of them! How did they do it, I ask myself?! Being the last one still smoking doesn't feel good. Not to mention, and everyone knows this, that, eventually, these things are going to kill us... and have heard this is NOT a good way to go. And then, there is the financial aspect of this hideous habit. Here in California the least expensive cigs I can find are about $5 per pack and I smoke at least 2 packs a day... crazy, huh? I can't afford to smoke anymore.

This is kind of silly, but I have rather long hair and quit smoking once for 5 days (about 10 years ago) and remember how great it was that my hair still smelled so clean and fresh at the end of the day. This is no big deal, but I still remember that and how amazed I was that after a long day, my hair still smelled as fresh as it did when I washed it that morning. I miss that! And imagine that I must smell like an ashtray to non-smokers and not notice it myself because I'm the one smoking!

Annywayy, hello, and I wish us all the very best in this journey. I have no idea how I am going to do this, but I sure am going to give it a shot! Have not yet chosen a quit date. Any suggestions on how you decide which day you want to quit? Perhaps there are suggestions in this web site. As I mentioned above, I just joined and have not yet perused the site completely. I'm so happy to meet you all and wish us ALL the very best with this!

Does it make you mad that the cigarette companies are making a fortune on our addictions and the harm we are doing to our poor bodies? That REALLY gets me! How can someone do that? Take advantage of another human's addiction. That's just not cool.

Blessings and peace to you all, Gracie 🙂

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5 Replies

do it and join us, set a date and do it for real

it is gonna be uncomfortable and it will suck

but we will support you, and you can do this

you have to do this

there is no other choice

you must stop smoking now!

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i spent a month getting my head around it. not consciously but letting it roll around in my mind.

a couple weeks before i quit, i started saying wait to myself when i wanted a smoke. that let me see i had some control.

the last friday before i quit, i knew i was buying my last pack.

i saved one for that next tuesday morning and after i finnished it, i went and bought the patch.

within 3 days, i knew it was a decision each time i had an urge and i began to laugh to myself because i knew i could say


i used 10 patches the first 14 days and that was over 3 years ago.


prepare  and jump in.


the waters fine

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I wouldn't set my quit date too far out.  But that is just my opinion. I would think you need to set it fairly close while your determination and motivation are high. I made the decision on Friday and smoked my last on Sunday morning. The best advice I have had so far is to remember that  you do not like to smoke, you do not want to smoke, you just don't like the way you feel when you don't smoke.

Good luck to all!!!

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Hello Gracie, good move to consider quitting cigarettes. I see you remember something good about not smoking from 10 years ago. There are many more good things you will realize after you quit this time. No shortness of breath, smokers cough gone, bucks in your wallet and it goes on. I quit back in April and used Chantix. Not being a slave to the addiction is a great feeling. I no longer have to worry about that once an hour fix. 

As far as picking a day,  the sooner the better.  You are the last one standing with a smoke in your hand now that all you know have quit. Definatly sounds like you will  have ample support, that is good.

Get focused and give it a shot. A few days of discomfort but it does get easier every day you do not smoke.   

 I wish you well

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Hello Rick M!

WOW! You quit last April... what is that? 9 months smoke free? CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you so very much for your encouraging words of support. Still haven't quit... to be honest, still haven't chosen a quit day (bad, Gracie)... I will do that today!

May I ask how long the withdrawals last? How long do you feel horrible? I'm sure it is different for everyone and how much you smoked and all of that, but if I have a ballpark figure of how long the withdrawals last, perhaps, that will help.

Again, much thanks for replying to my post and for your encouragement... and, again... CONGRATULATIONS!!! Since last April! WOW! WOW! WOW! So awesome! You must be very proud of yourself!

Takle good care and keep up the good work!

Bye for now and I wish you well, too!

Gracie 🙂

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