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Give and get support around quitting



Been gone awhile and failed miserably on quitting before. In my mind I have set my quit date for December 1st, and this is the first I have told any one. Here is my dilemma, I have not convinced myself that I can do it. I have been in bed sick for a couple of days and have not had a cigarette since Saturday night, there are no cigarettes in the house and I am craving one bad. I am hoping to jump start my quitting early being I have gone this far without smoking. Please any encouragement and advice would be helpful.  

64 Replies

Looks like lots of help rushed to your rescue so I will just say welcome to the Ex Community !!!You have come to the right place for all the loving support you will need just be sure to blog or go to questions and conversations . The more you communicate the more support you will receive .

I am very glad you are here! 


Just to be honest, I broke down and cheated last night and stupid me tried to have one this morning, my body fought me on it big time, and I still tried to smoke it. What a moron I am. So instead of getting better I sent my body backwards and I am sitting here feeling like crap and I will admit that I still want to go out and try again, I just don't get myself some days. 


Wish there was a text option so I could take you guys to work with me. Glad I am in NY, I am a bartender and its a good thing no one is allowed to smoke........HeHeHe


My daughter bartends and I remember how horrified I was when she was smoking and she was in a bar FILLED with smoke.  I figured the second hand smoke might get her before her OWN did.  I am happy to say she has been smoke free for over two years.  You know, just because you smoked this morning does not mean you lost your quit completely...just don't smoke any more.  Start NOW.  This is an addiction, it is serious and it has to be treated as an addiction.


Yep.  What elvan‌ said.  I think a lot of us here had fits of stopping and starting.  I'd take advantage of your nearly 4 days of not smoking, and begin your quit again now.  It will be easier than trying to quit again later.


I know its an addiction, and when I slipped up in the past I would hide it. Can't promise it wont happen again, I can promise to try and always be honest.


Recovery is the antidote to the addiction, stay tuned.


I slipped many times before this quit...COUNTLESS times, between the support and education I got from this site, I was able to go forward and begin to grow...that's what this is about, we stunted our emotional growth while we smoked.  We get to know who we are supposed to be when we quit and really begin recovery.  Honesty is a huge part of recovery and I respect anyone who comes forward and says they need to start over.  

You CAN do this, one day at a time.



Thank you, Girlfriend!  You just really hit the nail on the head.  Your quit date is what you think it is.  I have tried your way and I didn't do so good, so I tip my hat to you.  And to work in a bar and not feel the pressure!  Wow!

You are dong excellent and I hope you are feeling better!


I haven't been called "Girlfriend" since my collage days......LOL......"2 snaps up in a circle" for making me giggle.