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Give and get support around quitting


Help staying quit

I have been having severe panic attacks since stopping smoking and they seem to come on around the same time. I’m trying the nicotine gum and it helps some but causes heartburn. Anyone else have anxiety and how do you cope while trying to quit. I’m not giving in or giving up. I want to live for my children. 

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4 Respuestas

Hi @Vannah1821 ! Welcome the Ex.  
I think feeling anxious is a pretty normal side effect of stopping smoking.  To combat that panicky feeling try some deep breathing, take a brisk walk, drink cold water, stick your head in the freezer, have a sour candy, do jumping jacks. So many things will work if you have the goal of changing your thinking when you feel like freaking out. The key is to   Distract yourself.  There are techniques you can use to ground yourself also.  

I don’t have the links but I bet someone will be along soon to  point you toward articles that talk about all of this stuff.  

I think It’s good that you are reaching out and not giving in. Congratulations on your decision to quit! Stick with it! Starve the addiction.  

I’m rooting for you! 


@Vannah1821 Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first week of success. That's fabulous.

If you haven't done so already, it's not to late to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and have plan in  place with tool you'll use, new associations you'll use to replace smoking, etc.  This link has some great information to help maintain your quit.

Were here for you so reach out anytime you need some support.   And join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time.

Here are some  suggestions for the gum.  Hope this helps.

"Do not chew nicotine gum like regular gum - it can cause an upset stomach or heartburn. Do not eat or drink for 15 minutes before or after using nicotine gum. Also, do not eat or drink while using the gum. Avoid acidic drinks like coffee, juice, and soft drinks since they can reduce the absorption of nicotine." "Hold it for about a minute to let the nicotine absorb into your body. Then repeat this “chew” and “park” process until the tingling stops (usually about 30 minutes), occasionally changing where you “park” the gum in your mouth."

Did you experience panic attacks before you quit smoking? I've had two in my life and they can be scary.  With the second one, I realized what is was and was able to ride it out.  Having anxiety when quitting is a common withdrawal symptom.  Deep breathing exercises can be a life saver.


Have you increased your activity?  Exercise, especially walking, can really help to refocus your thoughts and get a boost of dopamine lost when quitting.

Ways to Relieve Momentary Stress that Tempts One t... - EX Community

Let us know how you're doing.  Stay busy and stay close.




It's a common experience to feel swamped by stuff early on. We really are relearning everything!!! And sometimes it feels as if the smoking life was easier--in a way it was so long as all the detrimental factors are ignored. But like you said you've got a powerful reason to succeed.

A lot of us who have quit for sometime have taken a simple (not easy) approach to quitting--one day at a time. It's important to believe that what you are going through won't last forever. Eventually the impulses, thoughts, memories, cues--all that die away and we get to move forward and free!!!

The Ex community is always here--so while you are sorting your quit out--you can always come here just to visit, read, blog, comment. Welcome to Ex!

7E33126C-E59E-41D1-B30F-51EBB5E71EF4.gif316218458_463466149244455_7344345187593041005_n.jpgYou have everything you need to quit right inside youYou have everything you need to quit right inside you


Those will get better.  Congrats on kickin hell weeks butt!  Use the tools you learned about on this site and be strong!  Reach out for help when you need it.  We are all here for each other.