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Having worst craves ever today

Today is day 11... I am having the worst craves ever. Not physical craves any longer...mental ones that want you to romanticize the cigarette. It feels like a terrible itch that I cannot scratch going through my whole body. My mind even started going to the "just one" place. I have stopped and asked my mind "Just one eh? Really? And then what happens when the crave comes back, because you know it will... just one again? Won't that lead us back to where we started, I think it will."

I keep saying this often, because my mind keeps wanting to go there often. Gaarrrr!!

I am feeling better b/c I don't smoke.
I am able to do things w/o getting winded b/c I don't smoke.
I am waking up feeling so great b/c I don't smoke.

Why is my body wanting to smoke and take all this away from me....

Sorry just needed to vent. Today my brain has just decided that it forgot I quit.
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4 Respuestas

Hey, Raychel, good for you for knowing at this point it is probably the habit calling for you, not the physical addiction! That is actually a big step. The demon will whisper in your ear for awhile longer. I am at 30 days today and had a heck of a morining. BUT! Compared to the first 2 weeks it is negligable. These feelings will get fewer and farther between. And since you have decided that you no longer smoke (!) hang in there. That feeling will pass and you'll be so glad you waited it out.

11 days!!

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For the first few weeks after I quit I too had the mental craves, but most of mine where dreams of smoking when I woke up. So needless to say I didn't sleep to well for awhile. The cravings do subsude, but don't just leave right away. Just remember your reasons for your quit and you'll be fine. We all need to vent sometimes, some more than others. Take care and Keep Strong. Angelquit - Free and Healing for Three Months, Eight Days, 22 Hours and 19 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 7 Days, by avoiding the use of 2019 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $375.00.
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I went through that too Raychel!! I had thoughts that my life had become boring since I quit! I had to go through a mourning period, just like a relationship that ended. After I realized the absurdity of thinking my life had become boring, I laughed and it was easier to deal with! And since I've been using the patch, my played tricks on me with that too. It kept telling me that I could just figure out how many cigarettes would equal the amount of nicotine I was getting and just smoke that many, and if I got the cigarettes with the lowest amount of nicotine, I could smoke more cigarettes. That was a totally ridiculous idea for me! I was never able to reduce the amount of cigarettes I smoked! For me it's an all or nothing thing baby!! Just hang in there, it'll pass! I promise!!! 🙂
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Keep going! I have been having the same things going on. I just do my deep breathing and try to remember why I quit. Its been 18 days for me and I feel great. I (mentally) crave the smoke still but I refuse to give in lol. Good luck
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