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Give and get support around quitting


Having a hard time... day 2

I'm really struggling. I know I'm on day 2, so it's expected but I'm not feeling strong today. I keep thinking how good a cig would make me feel. Logically I know this not to be true, but emotionally I think it will. Plus I'm highly emotional today. 

If you guys could give me some hope and some laughs I'd appreciate it. Something to read too. I read all the blogs and conversations and i read and the laughter is the best medicine stuff, all the way back to stuff posted in March. 

Right now I'm going to go watch some dogs for 2 hours, so im safe for that amount of time. I'm just worried about after. 



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13 Respuestas

Hello Becky! I have nothing funny to say today and my words of wisdom I don't know what happened with that either all though I did paint a picture called "wisdom and kindness" so maybe my wisdom is in the painting. I do know that those annoying cravings become not so annoying after a while just keep at it. Did you read Alan Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit smoking" yet? That book sure helped me out along my quit journey.


See you made me giggle. I did read that book a long time ago and i quit for a year. 

I listened to it on audio but it didnt do the same thing. I dont know why. 

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Hang in there Becky.  For me the first few days were fine, but then all heck broke loose!  At that point I wasn't sure I would make it. I did, so far.  You will do this.  You know it is possible, don't you?  Yes, you have a few extra struggles along with this quit, but so have many others.  I am sure you have read some of their comments too.  The power is in you!  You have my permission to look at the piggies again! 

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Some further thoughts on thing to read;

You should also read the posts here and perhaps go the the pages of folks who you think might be helpful. You might visit, and for the good information contained there. @ has lots of blogs written by members of this site with their experiences and guidance.

Here's something to perhaps give you a chuckle!

Hang in there - stay busy ----- change up your routines!

You CAN do this - and it WILL get easier  - I promise!


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We really want this for you and you CAN do it.  No one said it was easy...well, EXCEPT Allen Carr.  It's a minute at a time.  Take some deep breaths.  Drink some cold water, watch something funny.  

Hang in there, don't give up!


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You asked for help and you got it! Quitting is hard work but so worth it! These first few days are quite the challenge, they don't call it Hell Week for nothing. Listen, you made  it thru day 1, you're on day 2 and clearly do not want to smoke. Do what you have to do to not smoke, the choice is yours. I believe that you put this post out here because you don't want to. Deep breaths girl, we've all been there and understand what you're feeling. You totally have what it takes to succeed! Good luck in the next few days, keep us posted.

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Day 2 will be 3....and I know it's sounds like a broken record, but you will get through this.  ..and it will be soon worth it.  Keep strong!

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During those first few days when I had a bad crave, which seemed like all the dang time, I went and read all the stories on  I figured if they could share their death stories with us, the least I could do was go and read it.  After reading their tragic stories, I knew I was never going to light up that day.  I took it one day at a time. You can do this Becky! 

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