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Give and get support around quitting



I really don't know where to start. I was so prepared and so happy the I was going to be hitting one month without smoking., The thought of that made me "Big headed" I guess, I thought I have this thing beat. So when I said, "you can smoke one because you already have this beat. "Why didn't I realise this was the junkie? The warning sign??? I forgot all about my response to send him packing without his cigarette.
It is really hard to understand why I fell for that. I think what i did was get too Big headed in my quit.
My guard was down, ( I see why you tell me to never let it down. )

I feel so down today, Like I lost my best friend. My stomache hurts, my head is down, it is really upsetting me. Nothing I want to ever feel again, thats for sure!
It brings new meaning to " one is never enough" Thanks for reminding me that !!!

I did set a new quit date. Today at 6am. Feb 11th 2009 !!!
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13 Respuestas

that's all you can do, keep setting new dates. I understand completely. I quit Nov 1st, smoked one w/friends on Thanksgiving, funny I would pick that day, i sure didn't give thanks that I smoked. I just have a hard time when I'm out around my friends smoking. I am on Chantix so think the Chantix will keep me from going back completely. I have had several slip ups since then, my last was Friday night. I have a new determination to not let those Friday nights get to me. I hope I can never have another. This is my 3rd time on Chantix, I can't keep depending on them or soon I will be ADDICTED to Chantix!!

Yes, My hope also is to never have another.... I think I thought I had it beat, and I strayed away from the site, wasn't on as much, thought I was king tut, just to find out I'm in the infincy stage of my quit. I will remember to keep fighting always.

Being addicted to chantix is scary.... I reli on it a lot i've found out. But I don't think it is addictive?!!?

Check out for great advise on the way you feel today. What you are feeling is completely normal. Give yourself time to get the nicotine out of your system (72 hours) a stay focused. We are Junkies and one puff will re-hook us.
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Wow !!! lots of info there thanks Wil !! I noticed the difference in the amount of cravings with the nicotine back in my system.. it's shameful.... with you all here for me, I will be okay.....
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girl, like i said before, get up, dust your self off, get stubborn, you have only lost a battle, go on and win the war, you know what you have to do. peace! (first-forgive your self)

Thanks Napper, I will surely do that, what a great ideaL thanks
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You are right I thank you and everyone eles that has helped me today. thanks !!
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Hey Pamela,

The important thing is to get right back to a quit as soon as you can. It's taken me two or three false starts this month but I am a few short hours short of 10 days and am feeling good.

You were feeling good too and getting close to a month! One thing I've learned from long quits in the past, is this thing never leaves us completely. We do have to be on guard and the minute you or I even start CONSIDERING a smoke, we need to talk to someone first. We can go years without much difficulty and then something happens or we make a new friend (who happens to smoke) and the idea of "just one" starts niggling in the back of our minds. Please remember there is never just one for us. I've done it too and it's ridiculous. "One" is going to be at least a couple of packs if not more.

I'm glad you posted and are looking for encouragement. Hold your head up my dear. You can do this thing and just because you failed this time, it doesn't mean you don't have it in you. Use this to fuel yourself. Lesson learned!
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Ive lost count how many relapses Ive had while trying to quit smoking in the past. Every time I slipped I learned something new. So my best advice would be pick up the pieces and continue being smoke free. You will only lose the battle if you give up and stop trying. Beating yourself up will be counterproductive but remember this fealing the next time you get the urge to light up. You can do this if you let yourself do it. You didnt quit smoking for a month just to go back to smoking again. Something kept you smoke free for a month. Find out what it was and tap that resource to continue being smoke free. I know you want to be smoke free and you can do this! Protect you quit.
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