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Give and get support around quitting


Getting Started

Hi - My name is Jack and I live in Washington DC, I've been smoking for 15 years and I've tried to stop several times. I hope that this program can help me quit. I'm a little nervous about quitting. I'm not sure I can do it. Does anyone else feel the same way?
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46 Replies

I'm here trying to find out info to help my bro quit. He's been smoking for over 10 years now (he's 28) and he's looking like crap. It bums me out and I want to support him in his quit.
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Keep supporting him. My brother is supporting me in my quit attempt and it makes it a little easier having hsi help.
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Hi Jack i sure do know what you mean.. My name is Tony aka the Smoking man no one loved smoking more . so i know what it is like to be without your smokes.Yes this site will help. But one of the biggest tips i can share with you is make sure you get a personal calendar book.. i will share the secret to this later.
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encouragement encouragement encouragement !!! Never give any criticism to a person trying to relearn his life with out smokes.. instead if he relapses congratulate him on his days that he didnt smoke....
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I want to know more about this secret you have.
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Yeah, thanks.
I'm gonna make sure he continues to check out this site. I'll try and get my folks to check it out as well. Nothing like a bit of parental guilt/pressure to get him to start his quit.
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I have been smoking for seven years and started at the age of 51. I tried to quit one time about a year ago. I met twice with an MD who does acupuncture. I was fine for a few days and then suddenly I just fell down crying because I felt something was missing from my life. It was nicotine! But it felt as if I had lost a friend...I was grieving.
I have fears of the emotional trauma of giving up smoking.
I now have asthma and COPD. I must quit. I will be going to my doctor next week to ask for meds to help.
Yes, I am nervous and actually I would say I am afraid.
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Hey Jack,

YES! I have had my "little buddies" with me for almost 40 years, though two marriages, the illnesses and deaths of many family members and friends, and all life's other trials, as we all go though. The damned cigs have been the one constant in my life. There to turn to for relaxation, comfort and procrastination whenever I had the need. I smoke two packs a day, and they're KILLING ME, yet I seem to be more afraid of facing life without them than of the fact that they're killing me. How frigging STUPID is that??

I've also accomplished much in my life, and can't understand WHY this is so damned difficult! I'm not a weak person, but in the case of cigarettes and nicotine, they control me. I despise it!

At times when I've tried quitting, I actually get physically ill, with nausea, dizziness, sweats, insomnia, digestive problems, etc., so in addition to the psychological addition, which is VERY strong, the physical withdrawal has thus far, been awful.

So, you're not alone, but I feel like I AM, just contemplating quitting. I need all the help I can get.

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It's good to know I am not the only one that feels this way. When I tried to quit I had some of the same illness, the sweats were the worst for me. I feel your pain.
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