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General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Respuestas

Crap, I have had a drug - Theraflu. Just to be rigorously honest.
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A.D- good for you, and for the rigourous honesty! 3 years, Napper- outstanding! Good to see some fellow members letting go of the nic.
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Hi my name is Kathleen and I've been clean and sober for over 20 years have found out that it's alright to be clean and sober for that long. Have a wonderfuil man in my life his name is Danny and we're engaged to get married in the near furture. Our quit date si set for Jan.17th and have been taking yban for almost a month now and it helps with the cravings
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Hey Kathleen. Nice to meet you and wow, 20 years is awesome! Congrats on your engagement and on getting ready to kick smoking to the curb.

  Folks, I am going to my home group tomorrow and am a teensy bit nervous - obviously there are people there who don't smoke, but I always stand out front and smoke, that is my pattern. I greet people as they come in or strike up a conversation with the treatment center girls who are always huddled out there smoking. I don't want to get there right when the meeting starts and skip out the door when it's over, but I am a little uncomfortable about what to do. Should I stand around outside with my friends and watch them smoke? Try to talk to different people inside, then walk by them? I don't know. I have been craving like crazy today and I'm afraid it will look appealing if I actually see people smoking who I am used to smoking with.
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Hi friends!!!! Well, I finally am off work. I am sooo tired.
  I leave for my retreat Friday and I feel guilty for going and Ihavent even left! LOL Gotta fill up my well cuz it is EMmmmmPTY. I have a MILLION things going on. OK I need to breathe!!! THE awsome thing is I dont want to smoke! Chocolate sounds good, but cigssss??? NOPE. CAnt stop till the miracle happens.
  Enuf of ME! (Breathe...)LOL
  A.D, I couldn't go to my home groups for a long time because I associated them with smoking. BUT, I'm re-learning how to live without cigs. I dont know how to answer your question. If you feel vunerable, go directly into the meeting. Maybe play it by ear and see how you feel once there??? It is cold here so I know I would just keep walking till I got into the building. My life depends on that. .. You've decided to go to any lenghth soooo PRAY! I hope that helps. But I'm in the same boat at times to be honest. Ive even stayed home and gone to bed because I didnt want to feel that feeling worse than I was feeling it. Does that make sense? I do feel sooo much stronger now in my quit. YOu will too. Just NOPE!
  Kathleen, Nice to meet you. Congrats on 20 years! and on your engagement! When is the wedding?
  Hey Susan! Hope all is well!
  Hey Napper! Hope all is welL
  Nice to be here!
  xo Diana
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Hay A.D., it sounds like you need to rejust your scheudle about being around others who smoke especially if you want to keep from smoking. I know that 20 years sounds like alot but it's still one day at a time sometimes. I would stay inside and then leave the meedting right after unless you want to talk to your friends but be careful around them because they could talk you back into smoking. And we all know that's not what you want to happen so just be careful.

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It is so weird, you guys, how we are so hyper aware of the addiction we're in a recovery program from but the nicotine addiction is completely accepted. I was the worst one about disrespecting everyone else's quit. Now mine has to be protected. It's more like getting sober than I would have expected.

  I will just walk on by. Get in, get out, and do my thing while being aware of my secondary recovery. It is literally freezing cold so I think that will help me not to lurk around the smokers.

  Thanks for the input, ladies. Diana, have a great retreat!
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Thank you A.D., for your comment back to me about you going to your meeting so everything went alright, so you were nervious about nothing But it's best to post how you feel than stuffing those feelings.

  Kathleen T.
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Hello all, I've been sober 10 yrs, and smoke free a little less than 2 days. I am grateful to have found his site, and this group.
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Just checking in, fellow friends of Bill W. I am 21 years clean and sober one day at a time, and I am powerless over smoking and it makes my life unmanageable. Congrats on everyone on their sober and smoke-free time! I am now 16+ days smoke free! I am feeling relieved to be smoke free "just for today". Some quick notes- sounds like you are doing well, A.D!. Buddysomom- I stayed on this site and joined groups (like this) almost the whole time in the first 3 days and it really helped me keep my mind off the problem (my addiciton) and focused on the solution (being smoke free!). Keep coming back! Way to go katheen on your 20 years and your first day smoke-free! Today, smoking is not an option. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
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