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Give and get support around quitting


First Timer-Need Support

This is my first time on this website. Need community support big time. See my profile. Since I am unemployed after having been a stay at home Mom for 18 years with a finalized divorce, I am now ready to think, plan and act on this filthy expensive habit. Who out there has all there triggers at home?
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14 Replies

Welcome to the website first off. It is a really great way to keep yourself on track and to find the support you need. Most of my triggers were driving and breaks at work, but at home there are quite a few also. Just waking up in the morning or getting ready for bed were triggers. Eating food was a trigger and so was social smoking with my mother-in-law. I just had to bring myself to push away cigarettes and try other things. There are a LOT of different things you can do to ease the triggers and get rid of those pesky cravings. Check out some of the groups and the discussions in them, they have ideas on things to do when you crave and a lot of useful tips that may work for you, or give you ideas for things that will work for you. Spend a day going through the site and checking everything out. Blog your heart out no matter what the matter or how long it takes to write, if it makes you feel better go for it. After all, people will read and give feedback, and those who don't have the time to listen don't have to. You dont bumbard anyone with problems or anything that way, because it is a choice whether to read or not, and those who read will help.

that is my biggest help is blogging, so i hope this helps. You can always send messages my way. Take care and i KNOW you can do it. Best of luck!!
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Your support is SO very much appreciated. I'm new to the blogging thing too and I need to find out how to put the little gadgets on my on EX page, but I basically wrote to offer my support to you as well Ashley!
Best, Sissy
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Always remember and never forget......that quitting will not be will have good days, as well as bad! Just keep thinking about why your quitting, and the positive outcomes you are aiming for. As for the triggers, I find anywhere you go can be a trigger....interesting....I have not found this time around that bad, and alot of the triggers I have whether at home or in the community are not giving me a urge to smoke. Maybe I am lucky in that sense....but; who knows what tomorrow will bring. I will cross that hurdle when and if I have too. I will cross that hurdle by focusing on the outcomes I am aiming to achieve, and by typing a written word and reaching out to individuals on this site for support.
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Thank you Suzzy. I am reaching out and finding that this community is very helpful. Family and friends are not on this journey. But this EX community is like a specialized army at different stages of the battle and so many stories could be my own! The EX website questionnaire said I was not ready for a quit date because I haven't tracked enough yet and I have major life changes (very sick Mom and umemployed), but I'm still picking June 19 because it is a very fitting date (my late Dad's birthday). So thanks, have a great day and keep in touch!
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Super Decision Sissy !

Welcome to EX. Many are looking to quit and there are some like myself and some others that have strong quits and are helping those get information to stay smoke free.

Stay positive and I would be glad to help support your smoke free journey. I have a multi-year quit and might be able to help. You can find me at some at these groups ...

Daily Pledge - Quit Party Central - Relapse Traps
Game Room Quit Reasons - Thanks and Praise
Tough Luv - Words of Wisdom - Find a Quit Buddy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Reading -
For a Free Quit Keeper -

YOU CAN DO IT ... we can help .....just ask !
5.4 Million die due to smoking related causes every year.
That's 2000 times a 9/11

Ray Steele
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