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Give and get support around quitting


First Timer-Need Support

This is my first time on this website. Need community support big time. See my profile. Since I am unemployed after having been a stay at home Mom for 18 years with a finalized divorce, I am now ready to think, plan and act on this filthy expensive habit. Who out there has all there triggers at home?
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14 Replies

Coffee and cigarettes. Deliciously awful triggers. I smoke in my garage because I don't want to offend neighbors. My garage smells worse than an off track betting parlor. My present ciggy habit is completely different than in my 20's (I quit for 18 years raising family). In my 20's, I never smoked at work. Lit up on the drive home and only when I went out for cocktails or parties; THAT WAS IT. I couldn't even stand the smell of cigarette smoke in the morning or in an office; basically I smoked after 5PM. Now, with no family or employment, I crave big time immediately, lite up first thing in the morning with coffee and zoom through half a pack by afternoon. Evening smoking is more habit than craving. So weird.
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Hi Sissy! Glad you are posting! I quit with the Ex plan ad had great success. I followed it to the letter. Separated from my triggers one at a time. My biggest trigger was driving my car! I drive all day!!!!! Killer. But, I did it. You can do it too. One step at a time. Make a plan and stick to it! Even when you start to track your cigarettes (if you do it for real!) you will begin to cut down automatically. Just being aware is amazing. Try it. Build your confidence! Get support for your quit. Stay strong!
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Hello Cindy, Thank you so much. This communication is such a good thing!
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Oh Sissy!

I completely understand about having triggers at home!!! When I woke up, when I got home, when I made coffee, watched TV, going to bed, talking on the phone, working outside, taking out the trash, doing homework............anything could increase the list!!! I even smoked while taking a bath!! I would hurry up so I could get back to that cigarette sitting on the counter, or dry my hands off with a towel so I could take a puff really quick.

Two things I did at those time that helped so much...............reaching for gum instead has pretty much replaced that habit. And smoking a cigarette'. Actually go through the motion of smoking it. I can't believe how much it helped, but it did!!
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Hi Danielle,
Wow, that list is so similar to mine......................thanks for sharing. Very helpful with "one at a time" phrase. I'm thinking about breaking triggers down and just started filling out the "trigger track" form today.
Take care,
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Hats off! Thanks for the reply.
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Thank you Cliff! What a wonderful, supportive welcome on my first day.
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Sissy - welcome - I am brand new too. If you read my intro post, you will see I am in the same situation, although I have young kids at home - 7, 5 and 3 (my pic and my reason for quitting!).

I never smoked in the house, but often in the garage or on the back deck. I always talked on the phone and smoked outside, it was a way to get away from the kids for a bit, and I could indulge my nasty habit. The funny thing, I am still in the habit of talking outside, but it's not necessarily making me want to smoke. The other day the phone rang and I realized it was a trigger, so I just didn't even answer it. There are no cigs in the house, so it's not as though I had a choice about smoking, but I am still so new to quit that I don't want to mess around.

If I were you I would find reasons to get out of the house, gardening, exercise, etc. Right now I have no desire to do the things I used to do (laundry, cooking) because it just makes me want to smoke. So, I just am not doing them. That can only go on for so long in a house of 5 though, lol. I will probably do some today, but I am just not going to put pressure on myself to keep up the house if it's going to trigger my addiction.

Keep posting and keep working!
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Hi Cathy,
Your "reasons" are beautiful! The phone trigger is nasty. I love talking on the phone, but it takes me into my garage (which smells like an off-track betting parlor-yuck). So phonetalk now is in LR except when my Mom calls. Chatting with her is a huge, huge trigger. I have no idea how I'm going to handle that trigger. Anway, keep in touch, keep it smokeless!
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