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Give and get support around quitting

Find a Quit Buddy

I am looking for a quit buddy that will have a few minutes to chat, probably in the evenings, about our journeys to becoming EXs. I am looking for another college student, and would prefer to talk to someone else who is athletic. The struggle between being an athlete and a smoker is quite the battle! Feel free to message me!! Good luck!!
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432 Replies

My name is Patricia,I'm 51 yrs old.I have high blood perssurce just found out so I have to take pills.I want to stop smoking .My parents was smokers,my brother.Hopefully this works for me,I'm new here so hope someone can help me by pointing me in the right direction..

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Hello I am also new today and wanting to stop smoking. I am 43 year old woman who has been smoking since I was 13 and I want to stop because I am tired. I have fried many times to stop and have been unsuccessful. So if I could get some help on how to do this website. I put this app on my phone to try and help me
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Hi my name is Steve and I am an OTR truck driver who just started to try quiting today.  My email is [email removed] for those who can help someone like me quit.

Edited by Mark to remove contact information. Please only share contact information via private messages with trusted members.

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Day 1 starting today 😄 I've quit a few different times now trying chantix, wellbutrin, the patch, nicotine gum and am hoping to be successful this time around using the patch and I too have changed my diet and exercise routine prior to quitting to help aide healthier lifestyle choices!! Hoping for a win here 😄

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Hi! My name is Alex. Have been smoking for 6 years.  Just joined this community  today. Hope some dicussion of the same problems will help me and prob others. This is my 10 day of smoke quitting. Me mail is Feel free to contact me)) Thanks

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Hi Sherri, my name is Shari and I am 46 years old and have been smoking for over 30years and have quit multiple times, but this time I am going to do it. I am using my inhalor more and have not been diagnosed but know that I have some COPD, my mother and grandmoher died of COPD and you would think this would have curved my smoking but they are a very addictive and damn hard to quit. I am on my 9th day and am feeling the benefits already, my cough has decreased can u believe that already my cough has improved, how can someone not just throw the damn things out once and for all and not look back.

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Hi All,

Just joined today more then ready to quit smoking.  Been using a ecig for help. got to tell hubby no smoking in the house PLEASE . I'm 54 yrs. old and been smoking since i was 16. Love what i read here all the helpful tips. Will try all of them.

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I would love a quit buddy(s)

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hey been smoking fo 2 1/2years.  im looking for a quit partner to. hit me:)

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hi david. heres the short and sweet. i quit smoking for 2 years and started back due to overwhelming stress and alcohol. been smoking for 7 months again and hate it. today is my first day on a new quit attempt. i swear i feel better already. i want this time to be my last so bad. im happy you quit. good luck to you and me. talk to you later.

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