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Give and get support around quitting

Find a Quit Buddy

I am looking for a quit buddy that will have a few minutes to chat, probably in the evenings, about our journeys to becoming EXs. I am looking for another college student, and would prefer to talk to someone else who is athletic. The struggle between being an athlete and a smoker is quite the battle! Feel free to message me!! Good luck!!
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432 Replies

today is day 2. wow, i actually made it. it wasnt too bad. im using nrt. though. have too. been smoking for just 35 years. not too bad hu? lol. i think im gonna make it. ive been praying alot. nothing we cant do if we  have faith and believe. ill be back tomorro. good luck to all.

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4 days in!! wow i can breathe!!!!!!!!!!!

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I quit last June. Have smoked one week since then but very few. The three step patches work for me.

My skin has about 20 per cent less wrinkles. I recently started taking ballet classes again and kept up for one hour. Truly amazing since I am 58 years young.

No seizures in about one and one half years. I believed lies. Then my younger beautiful cousin Jeana from Oklahoma City got throat cancer and died from smoking. People started telling me the truth for once. I guess they were afraid of hurting my feelings but now they do not mind having me visit their homes. There are ten that helped and about thirty who just added to my stress and several said go ahead and smoke because you are under too much stress.

When I get the urge to smoke I use my hands and chew gum. I use a toothpick. I went to the Denist and he did some beautiful work.

I have so much extra time now. Thsi was harder to quit than drinking about seven years ago and I mean continuous stopping every day.

I cannot even say how much better my overall health is. Why should I continue and then let taxpayers pay for more expensive health care because I did this to myself and the secondhand smoke I inflicted on innocent persons around me?

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i am looking for someone to be my quit smoking partner on 10-31-11.

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hi sherry, my name is shari too. ive smoked for about 35 yrs. and just a week into another quit attempt. i know we can do this together. keep in touch with us. were all on your side.

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My name is Melanie and today is my 3rd day of no smoking. I am using a 21mg patch and thinking about adding Wellbutrin. Have been doing a lot of praying, jaw clenching and excesive cleaning. Hehe! Tring to keep a possitive attitude. I hope this is the end of the ball and chain for me and everyone on this site.

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Hi, I am also new a little over 10 hours...Quit.. We can learn from each other.

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day 2 for me not easy

i want a cigareete

a pack woul do


help sos

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day 2 for me not easy

i want a cigareete

a pack woul do


help sos

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hey. my names Doug and I'm looking for a quit partner. i'm planning on quiting in late Dec and I could sure use a friend to help me keep this goal.

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