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Give and get support around quitting

Find a Quit Buddy

I am looking for a quit buddy that will have a few minutes to chat, probably in the evenings, about our journeys to becoming EXs. I am looking for another college student, and would prefer to talk to someone else who is athletic. The struggle between being an athlete and a smoker is quite the battle! Feel free to message me!! Good luck!!
Etiquetas (1)
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432 Respuestas

hey out there what was the trap? hillegal if its a new one we need to know i still get near them but remember my list of relapses you can put that one on a list and read it everyday it helps not to repeat the same oh shit you can do this quit this is a great site peace and love from ar. hippie
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I convinced myself to have a cig on saturday while I was at a funeral for a friends mother. Then on Sunday wouldnt you know it I had a full pack in my pocket. Its B.S. I also got a call from my brother saying my dad may have had a stroke.A tree branch fell on my car and shattered my front window, and my insurance wont cover it. It was just a crazy weekend and I not even going to try to make sense of any of it. The worst part is i never really wanted a cigarette. I wasnt having a craving or urging for one. It was just here is a cig; smoke it. i have found lately when I try to quit I purposely piss people off so i can smoke. My girlfriend and I got into a huge argument then afterwords we got in the car and bought a pack. Later on, we both looked at each other and couldnt really give an abswer on why we bought it. My dad is fine and out of the hospital. I am still smoke free from my original comment.
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sounds like me things happen in 3rs sorry it was just a bad day. i deal with a scizophrenic 25year old everyday its a challenge and a husband that drinks and smokes so each day brings on its challenge i try to deal with it smoking again is not a possiblility at this time unless theres a death and that would be a huge relapse trap you did great afterwards thats what matters peace and love from ar.
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I think this site has helped a lot, I am just trying to find the group where the people are. I joined the musician group and I am the last one to comment on their, on 03/31/09!! I hope they are all still smoke free. Anyone interested in music and needsd a quit buddy let me know
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My advice is to find a Quit Buddy Here or in the Daily Pledge Group and Pledge not to smoke daily .....It Works ...... 5 years smoke free and I was a daily pledger until I did not need it anymore ....then went back to help others get to my stage of quit.....It works and U CAN DO IT excuses acceptable ....and pooof you are smoke free before you know it !

  Peace to all ....please pledge !
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Since I am just starting the program and have to do a few more steps before I can pick my quit date I will wait to do the pledge,but after I get my stop date I will check out the daily pledge group. Thank you for the input.
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ill probably join it tomorrow
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I really need a quit buddy. How do I go about getting one through this group?
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O.k. guys I am going for round 2 this Sunday, April 26th. Is anybody else quitting on that day that wants me as a buddy? Let me know!
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i quit feb13 going on the third month but i need a quit buddy still peace and love
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