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Give and get support around quitting



I failed. So sorry. Had a argument with my husband so what did he do. Brought me home cigs. So now I have to try again. I feel like a total loser. So sorry my dear friends. You can kick me out of Ex if you want. I will understand. It's so hard because I have no friends in the town that I live and no family to help me. I should have come here but he had me so mad I smoked them I don't even know why I did it.

87 Respuestas

Thanks SuzyQ411. Great question, and I have a ton of reasons why I want to quit. At the same time a lot of excuses not to. 


making up your mind.jpg When I have a decision to make and just can't seem to choose which way to go, I make a list of the pros and cons.

If you make a list of why you want to quit and then a list of the excuses you have for not quitting, it should make your decision much clearer.

It's imperative to ask yourself which picture of your future would bring you the most joy?

We remain here for you...

~ Suzy


I did that but there were more things on the not to quit list than on the to quit list, although I've thought of a couple more for the quit list since & 2 things that's on both lists. 

I have my yearly physical in a couple weeks. I'll see if I made the right decision


Just remember we are here for you if you, whatever~

Community Manager
Community Manager

Stringbean‌ You're not getting kicked out. The best thing you can do is come here and get going at it again. That's great that you came back and owned up to it.  Hopefully you have inspired others to do the same when they get in the position you're in. Last thing we want to see is people not be encouraged to come back and just disappear without any resource to help them quit.  

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Thank you Mark.


Please know your not alone


Thank you so much.

The only failure is giving up. You did right to come here! We have your back.


I have blown a few quits, you fail when you "quit" quitting. I had a plan to help me fight off the cravings, each quit is different but analyze why you smoke ..

Remember this

don't be afraid to start over again. this time you're not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience