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Give and get support around quitting


Doing this again

Since my downfall Monday, I've been beating myself up, which in turn just made me continue to smoke. Well I'm on day 1 again today. 

Been craving on and off but I'm doing alright. It's the evening times that I eff it up mostly. 

I got my coloring out in front of me, took my anxiety meds and I have a dog who would love as many walks as I'm willing to give her.

So im hoping I can beat all craves tonight. 

Thanks everyone who responded to my post " i messed up". I've been reading all the responses the last 2 days. 

Love and light to you all, 


21 Replies

Don't beat yourself up! We are all in this together. It's not easy that's for sure. Try again and if you fail try again until you make it.


Never quit quitting!  I think beccalynn35‌ is quit, the post was a week old so she should be at about 7 or 8 days.  We DO beat ourselves up when we fail at our quits, sometimes we beat ourselves up so much that we are afraid to quit again and have to face another possible failure.  

Quitting is not easy but it IS doable and it DOES get easier as you accumulate days, there is, unfortunately, no magic number when anyone can tell you that you are going to see significant improvement.  It is one day at a time, no short cuts, the only way out is through...yep I can spit all of those things out.  NOPE helped me the most when I was first quit.  I just kept repeating it along with I don't do that anymore.

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