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Give and get support around quitting


Doing this again

Since my downfall Monday, I've been beating myself up, which in turn just made me continue to smoke. Well I'm on day 1 again today. 

Been craving on and off but I'm doing alright. It's the evening times that I eff it up mostly. 

I got my coloring out in front of me, took my anxiety meds and I have a dog who would love as many walks as I'm willing to give her.

So im hoping I can beat all craves tonight. 

Thanks everyone who responded to my post " i messed up". I've been reading all the responses the last 2 days. 

Love and light to you all, 


21 Replies

Wow, I'm so proud of you. Your doing it, stay with your heart out and read whenever you can. If you do's not the end of the world, jump back on the freedom train and begin a new day. We got your back....always! Hugs to you !

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I need more stuff to read. I'm so lost on this site. I read one person said she watched videos. I wanna watch videos!! Where she watch videos? 

I've read Allen carrs book a couple years ago and had a great quit for 11 months. Then I went to mental hospital for suicidal depression and they allowed patients to smoke. So I did too. I hate myself for that!. 

I've listened to it again for this quit. 

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I wish I could help you with the videos. I am not real good at getting around here yet either. Congrats online day Down,that's so awesome!!!!!

i see your in here also helping others....Your doing super Becca,  hand in there.

if you can find the freedom train you will see many Exers in there you can click on their name and it will take you to their page and read their old blogs. I still do that now and then.

i think you mentioned you get panic attacks? I can't recall., but my daughter in law suffers from them and they are quite scary. My heart goes out to you. My prayers will continue for you.

I a, just so glad your here and giving this your best go. Hugs xoxo

oh, perhaps post a question to ask about the videos? I'll post one as well and see if we get an answer 

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I listen every day to guided meditations or hypno videos to breath and help me. I am listening every night to a video that is for our subconscious mind, it has subliminal messages for us to quit smoking, and under the video they usually let you know what they are saying in the video, the messages that they say. I really really enjoy them!  Thomas Hall is one I follow on youtube, I listen to his everyday!  But there are many many out there to listen to

Stop Smoking Now - Subliminal Message Session - By Thomas Hall

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I can help with those videos! They were very helpful to me as I am a visual learner. I found them on Google Play. I did have to pay 4.99 for the entire set. I wish I could figure out how to share them. It is Allen Carr's easyway. I have watched them many times and will be starting a new quit myself. 

I can't seem to copy a link but I do have screenshots if I can figure out how to share those. 


So proud of you, now you know how miserable you are smoking and how tough it was those first don't want to repeat that and you don't have to if you stay on track.  Smoking will not fix anything or change anything, except maybe your lungs and your self esteem.  Hang in there, you can do this.

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You are right, I'm miserable smoking. 

I just need to remember it will not help my anxiety, but make it worse!


I am so glad you are back, beccalynn35! This is awesome news! Stay Strong! You've got this!    ~Terrie~

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I was hoping you would be back and try again. It is really had but you can do it!!