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Give and get support around quitting


Does ex really work

I set my quit date I've tried to quit in the past and nothing worked. Does this program really help you quit smoking. 

64 Respuestas
Community Manager
Community Manager

JonesCarpeDiemelvanMarilynHYoungAtHeart Thomas3.20.2010Giuliapir8fanShawnPJennifer-Quitcyn9smorgy8513StrudelTerrieQuitPopsDaniela2016JACKIE1-25-15c2qcrazymama_Lori‌ maggie-8-1-2010 marciewhosoever  shashort

Could probably answer this question for you .

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team

Yes it really does work. I especially liked the cigarette tracker. I never realized that I linked so many emotions with my smoking. The trackers help you to become aware of why you are lighting up. It helped me to be more conscience of what I was doing just before I quit. So many many good blogs on this. Please read and educate yourself on this site. This is the key to a successful quit. So many people here to help you. I never thought I could quit when I first came here cause I was always used to failure. I am living proof. 6 years in now. You can do it.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


yeah, i don't know nothin

0 Kudos
Member, neither

0 Kudos


Until everyone wakes up over there in the US and start responding to you,  I thought I would just extend a huge and warm welcome.   I found this site just over a year ago in January 2017.  I followed the start up steps, did a lot of reading here on the site as well as Alan Carr's book "Easy way to quit smoking", set a quit date and didn't look back.

I quit 27Feb2017 and am so happy to report that I've been smoke free for just over 13 months and don't even think about cigarettes anymore.  

The work  required to have a successful quit was my responsibility - I read A LOT (and still do), visited the site at least once a day to follow everyone else's progress - wrote a lot just to vent sometimes, or to have a chat, other times to share successes, often to ask for advice from all the amazing ex smokers here, following their advice - they really know what they're talking about.  It's all about educating ourselves about our addiction to nicotine AND USING THE SUPPORT that is given here freely.  I could never have had a successful quit by trying to do this by myself.  

I wish you well and look forward to being part of your quit journey.




Thank you Bree19 I am glad to know I found a site with plenty of support.


I can say that the program works if you can follow simple directions and exercise a certain amount of self control. I have recently returned after smoking after nearly two years quit. I now have 18 days of freedom, and I am back on track...following suggestions, and exercising a small amount of self control.  The program works as long as we're allowing it to.  Reaching out to EX for help, is an outright must to be successful.  Welcome to the site.

Pops with 18 DOF!!!


I am smoking again after having a stroke i am now thinking of excuses to put off my quit for anoter couple of days

I had given up before the stroke butwhen i came home i just wanted  to tasteanother one just one more puff

0 Kudos

And was that puff everything you thought it would be?  There is no such thing as just one more puff.  Not for us cigarette addicts.  It's a potent addiction.  And one leads to many.  At least you know you're making excuses.  When you stop making them and accept the choice to not smoke, you will understand one of the first Freedoms. /blogs/Giulia-blog/2016/11/20/excuses  and