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Give and get support around quitting


Do I want to quit?

I’m officially 12 hours smoke free, and now I’m questioning my decision to quit. Do I even want to quit? I’m so over this feeling already. All I can think about is walking to the corner store to get a pack and light up. I feel like tearing this patch off and scrapping the entire idea. Why does this seem like a losing battle for me? 

24 Replies

This is how I feel about drinking so I understand you there! I haven't smoked in over 7 years and believe me it really does get easier with time if you really really want it. When we quit a really bad habbit we are training our body and mind through rewiring and doing healthy habbits. It's up to you to turn it around and channel those cravings into something else. 


Hey are you doing today?  I am only 2 days in and I know what you are feeling.  BUT LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER!  I am reading posts on this site and trusting their word on that it gets easier and it is sooooooo worth it!  


I'm on Day 3 and it is getting a lot easier already. I was expecting today to be crazy bad, but it really hasn't been so far. We can definitely get through this together! 


Proud of you for getting this far! Keep at it! I had a moment yesterday where I wanted a smoke but these amazing people are a great support. I believe in you, WE believe in you! 

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Great!!!  Hang in there!!!!  Will check in tomorrow!

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