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Give and get support around quitting


Day one on here!

Hi, all.  

I'm brand-new, but hoping to stay.  I was going to try the cold-turkey thing, along with some nicotine gum that has been sitting in my desk drawer for over a year, finally breaking it out, but I've seen the billboards all around town and know I need some help with this.

At first I thought I would just quit TODAY, having made the decision yesterday, bought lollipops, poured lots of water, but I have now made my date for Tuesday, since I know I will feel like a failure if I don't make it through the weekend and I need at least a couple of days to really figure out these triggers, etc.

I can't tell you for how long I have thought I wanted to be an ex.  I used to have to sneak away at my son's baseball games to not be embarrassed.  My youngest son gets really mad if I smoke in the car, at my daughter's ballet school I am embarrassed to pull into the parking lot until I've put it out - all of those things.  Especially since I am a teacher and a mom of three, I need to get rid of these things.  After 20 years I know it will be hard.  I've tried chantix, accupuncture, cold turkey, and cutting down.  It just has to stick this time.  My mom quit over a year ago after smoking for 50 years, so now it's my turn.

Thanks for being here, really.  I know this will help, and I know I am ready to really, really try this time!

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2 Replies

Welcome...glad you made such a great decision for your health. Make sure you also go to the'll get much quicker responses to your comments there. Especially when you're having a hard time with your quit. We all support your effort and are willing to do whatever we have to to help you maintain your quit. Make sure you educate yourself on smoking and nicotine addiction. One's a habit the others an addiction. Believe me...there IS a difference! Also....take one day at a time. Looking too far into the future can actually sabotage your quit as it can seem so overwhelming to think you can never smoke again. Vow to yourself "I choose not to smoke today and will worry about tomorrow when it becomes today".

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I allowed myself to think of this in small pieces, I think.  I went a full 5 hours today without one, changing my location by going somewhere outdoors and fun, with my family and a couple of friends, and it made a big, big difference.  And I am not bashing myself for coming home and having another.  I guess small steps are better than no steps, right?

I will continue to try not to look at it as this overwhelming lifetime thing, because I have to say I was pretty proud of those few hours, really.  I am looking forward to knowing I am an ex, but I won't be too rough on myself for the next few days, right?

Thanks so much

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