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Give and get support around quitting


I really want to be able to breath again

Hi im Brenda, im 49 i have smoked for 36 years last year i was diagnosed with COPD, which in my case includes emfazema, ashma, and just basicalty no air,i just had my 6 grand child,i have quit several times, i have been on chantix when i quit it was the best high, 5 months later i started back, any pointers ,help i tried everything but a group.

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4 Replies

You should quit and try this group!! The special people on here are literally life savers!! I have been 11 days which may not sound like much since you have been longer than that before but to me it is the longest I have ever made it (except when I was pregnant) and I can tell you I would not have made it without this site and the people here! Also, go to and read some the stories and get a little information about addiction and that may help you too! Best of luck to you!

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Hey Brenda, I am 51 and I have smoked over 35 years I have the same lung issues. I have been quit for 65 days something like that. I can't believe the difference in my breathing already. I hardley ever have to use my albuterol maybe once in the last three weeks I was using it several times daily when I was smoking. It just unbelievable.I just want o know why did you start back after 5 months?This group is a god send there are long time quitters here and people like us just starting we all talk and try to help each other there is always someone here to help that has been in the spot you are recently. Why not try the chantix again this is my second time the first time two yrs ago I quit for 6 mo. this time I went on it on lt two weeks. I think I just needed help the first few days because I was ready this time to quit I reallly believe that make a difference. I was tired of coughing and choking I couldn't even walk down the cleaning isle at the grocery without chocking its all better now. Please come join us and we will do our best to walk this journey with you until you are finished. Hugs to You Deb  You have 5 grandbabies how blessed you are!!I have only one

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hi. my name is also brenda i am 49 and was also just diagnosed with copd, not sure which combination but i think it is chronic bronchitis and empysema.  I am on my third day of cold turkey. just thought i would write since we have similarities.

God bless, Brenda

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Hi Brenda, 

I'm turning 51 in May, and like you, i started smoking young. I've stopped so many times i've lost track.  I've had successes, shortlived but counted as quit days, by sucking on jolly ranchers or any hard candy.  This time i'm eating Altoids, the  strongest flavor.  My old roommate quit this way about 15 years ago and never started again.  You're in my prayers, stay strong, and  I hope this helps.  I also drink a lot of water, and I haven't had a cig in  11 days!  God Bless and strengthen you.



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