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Give and get support around quitting


Day one for Me

I have been trying to quit since November I have had 3 fails so far , read Allen Cars book over the weekend , and I about 13 hours into My fourth and hopefully final quit ! so just wanted to say Hello , I will be coming here to read and to help stay strong , I am 57 years old and have smoked for 37 years ! I admire all of you who have quit , I hope to join your ranks and be able to talk about how many days , how many months , how many years I stay quit !! 

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42 Replies

Congrats on 11 days. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!

You can turn those cravings into something good.  Think of it as a  nice buzz that you are only going to have for only a little while.  Or imagine that you are floating on a wave, relaxing, breathing, just floating.  Or consider it as your body going through a cleansing process and every time a craving comes you are getting better for not smoking  Sing, dance make it light, airy and fun.  Spin around. Laugh the craves away.  You can do it 


If a day is too long, make it an hour...stay in the moment.  You CAN do CAN STAY quit and it is so worth it.



Time for a "Ha Ha"...................(hope you like cats...)

She works hard for her kibbles