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Give and get support around quitting


Day one for Me

I have been trying to quit since November I have had 3 fails so far , read Allen Cars book over the weekend , and I about 13 hours into My fourth and hopefully final quit ! so just wanted to say Hello , I will be coming here to read and to help stay strong , I am 57 years old and have smoked for 37 years ! I admire all of you who have quit , I hope to join your ranks and be able to talk about how many days , how many months , how many years I stay quit !! 

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42 Replies

You sound determined awken and that's good because we must be vigilant to keep the cancer sticks at bay.  NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)


I am only two days ahead of you. Let’s watch how our health improves each day. For me, I know I am breathing better. I mowed the lawn on Sunday and wasn’t out of breath halfway through! I am coughing up tons of crud now and my body is working hard to heal itself. We’ve got this! Not One Puff Ever! NOPE!!!!  


Welcome to EX, looks like you have gotten some great advice already!



How are you doing on your day 4?  Remember everything you are going through, we have all experienced. Rooting for you!!! 


I am doing well thank you , I notice already My breathing seems better , but I know the weekend is coming and that is always where my past quits have failed , but I also know that it is up to me and the choices I make , the nicotine is now out of My system so I don't "need it" but my addicted mind needs me to fail and will try to convince me , but the choices are mine ! I have never gone longer than 13 days on a quit so I must remain vigilant and not get too far ahead of myself I am only starting day 5 , might re-read parts of the Allen Carr book this weekend if I need too ! it has helped me so far , it is really the only difference between this quit and All the others I have failed at ! Also coming here and reading and getting the positive support has also been Key !  


Keep going, you are doing GREAT!


"I have never gone longer than 13 days on a quit"  Then your challenge is to aim for day 14!!!  We're rooting for ya!  Stay the course.  Stick close.  Keep reading.  Chin up!


awken, I can definitely say for me it has been one day at a time that has helped the most.  Sometimes (and I just blogged about this) I need to be in that very minute doing whatever I need to.  It is all doable, just sometimes it is a little uncomfortable.  Kind of like when you buy shoes you love, but they give you blisters until you break them in.  Once that happens they fit like they were custom made.  Your quit will be custom made for you and feel wonderful as you construct it with what works for you.  One day at a time and keep coming back

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STAY close to us...remember what old bones says..."one step and then another will get you to where you want to be."  I said NOPE, Not One Puff Ever...over and over and over again.  I had a 47 year history of smoking, thanks to this site, I have been free for four years and 4 months+.  YOU can do this.



well I made it the long weekend , it had it's moments and challenges but I stayed the course , now at day 9 , Thank all of You for your continued support !