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Give and get support around quitting


Day one and looking for support buddies...

Hi all!

I just started my quit this morning and am looking for support buddies to help me stay accountable and to encourage me! I have no excuses now -- I need to quit for health reasons. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that. It's amazing how powerful the mind is when it comes to rationalizing reasons to smoke -- lies...


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18 Respuestas

hey Polly this is B, I want to encourage you to make it to 24hrs, Im on my 26hr and counting it can be done, even though I tired to decieve myself into thinking that I can't do it I just did, strange feeling, but feeling good, and.... I don't know different.... write back and share how you feel
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Hi Angel!

YUP, it's amazing how our minds can easily convince us that we can do it on our own and then turn against us when we do! That's what was missing everytime I quit before, therefore making it easier to start up again! There is no such thing as "just one cigarette" for me. Today is a pretty good day -- I'm definitely feeling out of sorts, but am lucky enough to be able to be at home and stay on this site! Congratulations on your quit!! Have a great day and keep in touch!
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Hi B! I'm on day 2 and doing very well, all things considered. I have yet to have the urge to run to the store, which for me is exceptional! I'm feeling out of sorts, but also very good about this decision! There are no real excuses and I have to remember that! How are you doing? Are you using NRT, meds or going cold turkey? I am using the nicotine lozenge, but am going to make it cold turkey. The lozenge is just another reminder that I am dependent on nicotine and also is prolonging my cravings or so I believe. Hope this finds you doing well!! Keep in touch and hang in there!!
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Thanks Connie! Way to go on almost three years!! Yes, I can't smoke even if my arse falls off! Cigarettes are poison that worm their way into our heads as friends -- how deceptive addiction is! This is the first time I've used a support group and it really is helping me to stay focused and remain positive! Yes, I AM DOING THIS!! I really appreciate your support!!
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Hey B! How are you? Still counting? I definitely feel sort of yucky, but I feel committed to do this once and for all! This site has really helped me stay focused and reminded of what I need to continue to do. Let me know how you are!!
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Hey Polly,

I totally agree with you that getting support will help tremendously in this process. I don't think I could have done it, or stayed smoke free without such.

The object is to say NO until it just becomes rote. NO = Not One. No matter what. When the baby within finally accepts the fact that NO means NO, the whimpering ends. But the adult part of you has to stay firm in it's resolve and not give in to the whining baby.

In order to get to the other side of this, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable for as long as it takes. But every day you distance yourself from it creates less discomfort.

Here's to ya!

Giulia (2 years 3 mos +)
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Thanks Giulia for the advice. For the most part I'm staying positive, even though I do feel sort of crappy! The baby in me pops up ocassionally, however this site has really helped me to stay strong! I know there is NO such thing as one cigarette for me. Ironically enough, I live in Northern CA. I'm not close to the fires that are burning, but the smoke has nestled into our town, enough so that the sun is not out. There are health alerts for everyone to stay inside. If I was smoking, I'd be sitting out in it puffing away, without thoughts of the health alert. Instead I'm glad to be inside and smoke free!

Thanks for being there for me with your support!!
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I'm game!
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Yes, there are many people supporting me, which is awesome! This site has been a Godsend! Thanks for your support too!!
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