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Give and get support around quitting


Day One!

Day one is coming to a close, were winding down, and literally every trigger I have came to me today and I was ready and I feel awesome and I am so proud of myself! Gum is helpful, Allen Carr is helpful, walking is soo helpful, and positive self-talk. Never have to do day one again!!! Yay!!!

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24 Replies

Congrats! How is Day 3 going?


To be honest, I feel a little insane and very emotional, but it's punctuated by these waves of pure joy. Seriously, walking is a godsend. Still hanging strong. I've been putting my toddler in the wagon and walking him around the corner to the playground when it gets too intense. My new neighbors keep wanting to hang out and if I have to explain to them one more time that I'm quitting tobacco and that I need space, I'm going to start only interacting with them through song so they think I'm crazy and possibly dangerous. 

I'm actually really enjoying the emotionality of today, but not feeling like sharing that space, except on these posts.

As the days commence I'm more and more recognizing the value of talking to not non-smokers, but former smokers. Y'all are the only ones not getting on my nerves right now!!!

Thank you very much for asking.


This cracked me up!  I was so much like that in my early days (sad/mad/joy all at once).  And both walking and singing and dancing got me through the roughest craves.  And I don't mean going to a club or bar to sing and dance, I mean doing it wherever I happened to be at the moment.  Everyone thought I was nuts!   

You are doing great!  Congrats on your Day 3!!!


I've always been a spontaneous dance party initiator! But also not a barflower or clubber! Too intense for me. Thanks for this. I talked with a friend who recently quit too, and he agreed--these guys are being weirdly pushy about wanting to socialize constantly! So that made me feel less crazy. Day three is over and I feel much better, too. I've heard that grief is stored in the lungs and that's why the emotions can be so intense. Dancing is my ally!


Ride the waves of joy and dive under the nasty ones that want to knock you down.  You're gonna get a lot of nice walking in I suspect!  lol  Hang tough.

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