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Day 5: Am I going Insane?

This is my first attempt at quitting in over 20 years of smoking. I'm on Day 5 and I feel like my head might explode. I think I just need some reassurance that I won't always feel this insane. I'm struggling, but I'm going to do this.

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116 Replies

OH YES! It's all quite normal to feel sick, dizzy, weird, gross, tired, hungry, exhausted, angry, sad.  It's normal to eat everything in sight, cry into your sleeve and feel like you're going to explode. Does not last. I'm on day 43 and it gets better fairly quickly. Tell the addict to take a hike and that as bad as they feel, it won't last long and you'll be on to better, healthier things. You can do this! We're here for you ♥


jsichi‌ I'm on day 3, which seems harder than 1 and 2. My brain seems scrambled today. Hopefully it wont last too long. Hang in there! 


Consider the feelings you're going through as a flushing out of bad toxins. Get out and take in some fresh air. Drink lots of water to help flush it all out. Scream if you have to. You got this!!! ♥


auntchelle24‌ - Thanks! Good luck to you!! Felt a little better today. Hopefully you will too


We can do this!!


jsichi‌, I hope you're still moving forward with your quit. How are you? I'm only about 6 weeks into my quit, so those insane days are very recent for me. I had to laugh at myself: clothing on backwards, trying to figure out what pasta to have with our pasta, etc. Consider it a sign that you're recovering, which is GREAT!  You'll continue to see and feel changes. Some are uncomfortable, and some are welcome. All are a part of your healing.

I, too, had 20-plus years under my belt, and I smoked heavily the last 5 of those. You can do this. It will not always be easy, but is do-able. Keep it up! I'm rooting for you!



I am!! I'm over the one week mark now. Getting a lot of support from everyone. 

Thank you for the kind words!!! I'm rooting for you too!!


It definitely gets easier! I smoked for 39 years. I quit 3/10/18. There are still tough days but about 5 weeks in and I'm not hanging on by my fingernails all day every day. You will pull through this!

My hair smells good, my skin looks better, I think my teeth look whiter and I have been through enough emotional upheaval that I know I can do it without smoking. It doesn't mean that smoking isn't the first thing my addict brain thinks of but I do know that I can get through without it. YOU CAN TOO!



Thank you!! I still feel a little crazy, but I'm just taking it 1 day at a time...Good luck to you!!!


Congratulations on making it through 


Thanks jsichi, we don't need any luck at all. We just need to never light another cigarette. It's just a choice. Not an easy one sometimes but a choice nonetheless.

You will have those crazy feelings sometimes and one day, one minute or one second at a time is all you can do. Keep coming here so I can root for you!