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Give and get support around quitting


Day 5: Am I going Insane?

This is my first attempt at quitting in over 20 years of smoking. I'm on Day 5 and I feel like my head might explode. I think I just need some reassurance that I won't always feel this insane. I'm struggling, but I'm going to do this.

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I'm in my 4th month and I can assure you that feeling does start to go away. The first week was pretty awful for me too (it's bad for everyone) but those feelings of insanity started to slowly subside over time. It was probably by month 3 that I noticed I didn't want to kill people on a daily basis. I still get those feelings still but they aren't nearly as bad as they were in the beginning. So keep up the good work. Read blogs from the elders because they have the best advice.


Thanks for the positive vibes!! I'm feeling better today, but I love hearing from everyone and their experiences. It gives me hope that we can all get though this together!


It was probably by month 3 that I noticed I didn't want to kill people on a daily basis." You mean those feelings are supposed to go away!


YES!  You are going insane...enjoy it.  Seriously, enjoy it...that space weird feeling is all the posion leaving our bodies.  It's also the increased oxygen which I for one wasn't used to.  I felt like I was waking up out of a smoke-filled cloud.  I still do at day 39 but it's A LOT easier than my first week for sure.  Hang on!  Enjoy your ride! 


The only way out is step and then another will take you where you want to be. are currently going insane, but I promise, it does not last forever...


Yes, you are going insane.  Welcome to the family!  We're all a little nutty here.  It's OKAY, we understand!  The cure is right around the corner.  It's called time.  

This is the time when we can be incredibly productive, creative, playful.  We're in the stage of madly becoming non-smokers.  You have to do some cocooning to become a butterfly.  /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2013/05/04/youve-got-to-do-some-cocooning-to-be-a-butterfly-... 

====================== repost ========================= 

This was a hefty girl biplane on our fence a couple of years back.  Not one of those delicate damselfly-type girlies. 




I had the privilege of watching a dragon fly being born many years ago on the side of our pond back then.    It was one of the most amazing experiences I've even been party to.  This horrifically ugly, SCARY looking ALIEN  creature had crawled out of the pond and sat in the sun by the bank.  I found it at the stage where it had already cut a hole in it's carapace and come out.    (the following shots are not mine)



It's wings were stuck together upright above it's body, and out of it's tail water was oozing.  Drop by drop.  Drop by drop.  Eventually all the drops were dropped and suddenly the wings opened parallel to the earth.  And they remained that way for a while as the sun dried them.  


And just as suddenly they began to flutter madly with all their might.  That went on for a brief period and then she just lifted up and off and was gone.  And I was STUNNED by the realization that this creature had been a water breathing creature 45 minutes ago and now, not only was breathing air, but could fly.  


I often recall this transformation when I think of the quitting process.  It's such a major change in our lives.  They can do it.  So can we.  Just like Dale has often said, you gotta do some cocooning to become a butterfly.  And part of that cocooning is educating ourselves before we begin the journey.  


Glad you've joined us.  Stick around.  


Listen to all these wise good people .....they are your proof.......

You can, and you will succeed....

Now go to the "daily pledge" and take hold of someones hand......and join us....

Miles of Smiles.............

21 Day Fix Results + Motivation for Your Monday - Build Your Dream Body: by jodie


How are you doing today jsichi ?, I'm hope you're doing better because it does get easier and easier with time under your belt but you must believe it and keep moving forward and stacking up your precious Days of Freedom so each evening you can look yourself in the mirror and smile and say yay for another Day WON......


I'm feeling positive!! I'm digging all the support from everyone too!!  I know I can do this!

Thank you!!
