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Give and get support around quitting


Day 4

As many other people here, I made a New Years Resolution to quit smoking. I have been a pack a day smoker for almost 20 years, which is sad because I'm only 32. I have always really enjoyed smoking but decided to quit because it makes me feel like garbage. I have a constant wheeze and get short of breath easily. Plus, it's $7.00 a pack and I can't smoke anywhere. My first day and a half were not bad but then I became a bundle of nerves and couldn't stop crying.. I cried for no reason other than self pity. When I started crying within 5 minutes of waking up on day 3, I put a patch on and have mellowe out a tremendous amount. Now it's just trying to alleviate the monotony of my life without smoking. I never imagined it would be this hard and that I would miss it so much, as if it were part of my identity. I'm hoping that this nasty cough I've developed will help keep me focused on why I quit. Good luck to everyone here, this is not easy and everyone should be proud of themselves.
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2 Replies

It is a pleasure to be I will start my Youtube vlog related to my is gonna go viral..
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welcome, and congrats, education +determination = success
take a look at for education, remember no matter how many or how long it can be done, take it from a 32+yr, 2-4-packaday junkie...
determination comes from within, and success is measured one day at a time.
best to ya, ...RJ Free at Last 476 days afte 32+yrs, saving 66 days of life and $4370.31, choosing not to inhail 19,046 death sticks
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